The justice judge

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After collecting proves aganist Zuma, Marshall Rocky and Rubble were talking outside of the Lookout.

Marshall: Well, I think we are ready to judge Zuma for all his things. 

Rocky: Yeah. I think so. 

Rubble: What's the plan anyways?

Marshall: I'm gonna call Zuma, Rocky will call Skye. Rubble, bring all our proves to the control panel of the Lookout.

Rubble: No problem.

Rocky: Let's do this!

Rubble went with all proves to the elevator, Marshall went to see Zuma and Rocky called Skye on puptag.

Rocky: Skye, it's me Rocky. Meet me on the top of the Lookout. We need to talk. Zuma will be here with me, Marshall and Rubble.

Skye: Ok. I'm coming (ends call).

Rocky (to himself): Good. Now we need to bring only one person.

Meanwhile, Marshall caught Zuma on the beach.

Marshall: Hey, Zuma. Come to the top of the Lookout. We have a little discussion.

Zuma: Of course. Let's go.

Marshall: Great. (to himself): You have no idea, how will you feel after this talk.

A few minutes later, Zuma, Marshall, Rocky, Rubble and Skye were on the top of the lookout.

Skye: So, why you beg us to come here?

Zuma: Maybe to hear, that... Me and Skye are dating offcially.

Rocky: Well, congrats. But we called not for this. Skye, we are knowing one thing, which you won't like it.

Skye: What is it?

Marshall: We discovered, that Zuma won your heart in dishonest way.

Skye: How? (suprised)

Rubble: Do you remember all presents, that Zuma gave you?

Skye: Yeah. I remember. It was so caring from him (smiles, while looking at Zuma).

Rubble: Well, these presents weren't Zuma's. They were Chases.

Skye: Really?

Zuma: HA! You can't prove it.

Rocky: Check mate Zuma. We have all proves, which will only confirm, that you made Chases presents look like yours. Rubble, first pack of proves about Valentines Day present.

Rubble: Got it.

Zuma and Skye saw on screen, that Chase had exactly the same box of sweets adn a gift card and a moment, where Zuma cleaned Chases name and put his.

Skye (thoughts): Well, I'm suprised. But it's only one present.

Zuma: Is it all you got? (sarcastic)

Marshall: No. Rubble, proves of present for Skye's birthday.

Rubble: There.

Zuma and Skye watched on screen, how Zuma made changes on the house, and pictrures, where picture of Zuma was above of Chases picture.

Skye (thoughts): I can't believe it.

Zuma: Still not enough (sarcastic).

Rocky: Yeah? Rubble, proves of memory book. And that's when I got my suspicions about this idea!

Rubble: There you go.

Skye watched in shock on the screen how Zuma stole Chases memory book and put his face on pictures of her and Chase above Chases face.

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