An apology

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It was a warm evening in Adventure Bay, one and a half hour later after justice judge. Skye was sitting in her puphouse, thinking about asking an apology from Chase. She damaged him emotionally and he was having no hopes to be not even BF and GF but even friends. These thoughts were hurting aviator pup for 15 minutes, when she got enough confidence to go to her birthday house, where Chase was laying.

She came to the house, where she saw original pictures of her and Chase. Skye smiled about that and called Chase.

Skye: Chase.

Chase (sad): Who is this?

Skye: It's me.

Chase (sad): Skye? Why did you come to me? I thought we aren't friends anymore.

Skye: Well, I stopped thinking about this. Chase, I really need to talk with you. Please.

Chase (sad): Let me guess. An apology?

Skye: Wow. You got straight in the point.

Chase (sad): Well... no!

Skye: W-what?

Chase (sad): It's your words Skye. Remember?

Skye: Y-yeah, but...

Chase (sad): I don't care. You said, that we can't be friends, so we can't be friends. Even if you broke up with Zuma for me, I wouldn't change my mind.

Skye (sad): So... I should go right?

Chase (sad): Well, yes.

Skye (very sad): Ok. I'm going away (leaves).

On the way to her puphouse tears were slowly leaking down from Skyes eyes. She couldn't believe, that she turned down Chase so hard. But when she made halfway to her puphouse, she stopped.

Skye (to herself): No. I'm not going to give up so easily. I really need to take Chase back from bad mood.

So Skye went back to the birthday house. But as closer she was approaching, as louder she could hear silent crying.

She ran fast to the house and saw Chase crying.

Skye: Chase? Are you okay?

Chase (crying silently): Well, I'm sorry.

Skye: For what?

Chase (stopped crying): I was just locked up in these thoughts, when you said that we can't be friends again.

Skye: I know. It's really hard to move on from that. And... I'm the one who needs an apology.
Chase, I'm sorry for not discovering earlier, that all presents, which Zuma gave me, were yours, forget about my words, that I said to you. I want to be friends with you again. No, I want to be with you even more as friends. Because (takes a deep breath)... I love you Chase!

Chase: Well... if you want to be more than friends, then come in house and cuddle with me. I felt lonely hehe. And I should mention, Rocky told me that Zuma was such a sneaky pup, so I was worried about you.

Skye (smiles): Awwwwwwww, Chasey... It's so adorable from you. Even when weren't friends, you was still worrying about me. Ok, I'm coming.

Skye came into her birthday house and laid on the right side of Chase and starts cuddling with him.

Chase: First thing I should say - I love you too.

Skye (kisses him on the cheek): And second?

Chase: Second thing - Chasey??

Skye (nuzzles him and giggles): Are you aganist your nickname or what?

Chase (giggles): Nah. I kinda like it.

Skye: It's getting late. Should we go to our puphouses?

Chase: Let's sleep there. We all had the hard day, and this couch is very cozy.

Skye: Yup. I can feel it. Goodnight Chase. Sweet dreams.

Chase: Goodnight Skye. Sweet dreams.

They nuzzled each other and fell asleep.

Well, the last chapter is coming. By the way, I found another idea for my new book. See you soon. Stay safe ))))

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