A Debate Over a Nickname

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"I'm glad you're okay" Percy said and gave me a brief hug.

"Thank you" I said and patted him in the back "For coming to my rescue that day"

Percy sat down on the couch and I followed his example. We stayed quiet for a few moment before he spoke.

"We haven't talk properly after the incident" Percy said and looked at me

"Ah, yes" I sighed and stared at my lap "I guess you want a reason why Luke attack me"

"He explained to me briefly about it" Percy answered "He told me Kronos wanted you, but he never told me why"

"Well, my guess is because I'm also a kid from big three" I said and shrugged

"But, why you?" Percy asked "Why not me?"

Well, the one that knocking the death door supposed to be you, I said mentally while gave Percy a look.

"Maybe because my parentage?" I said and tilted my head "I mean, my power probably more stronger than you"

"Apollo and Hades. Sun and the Underworld" Percy scrunched his forehead

"Don't think too much" I said and rolled my head "Its could fried the seaweed in your brain"

A pillow landed on my face perfectly

"Oh, wow. Chiron must be proud that you could threw something into the target from such a close distance" I said sarcastically "You have grown stronger"

Another pillow and this time I let it hit me

"Oh, wow. Another direct hit"

"Shut it, Rudolph" Percy said and threw an apple this time

I managed to caught the apple "Really an apple? Why don't you eat it, so it can make you look like an asshole" I threw the apple back to him "Also, Rudolph? Really?"

"Its Santa' Reindeer" Percy tossed the apple into me again "So, yeah Rudolph"

"You spend too much time with Lee" I rolled my eyes "Your seaweed turned into a Nori"

"Hey!" Percy glared at me "I'm not a dried seaweed!"

"Aha" I grinned "So you admit that you are a seaweed"

Percy threw the apple a little to hard "Air head"

"Real mature" I rolled my eyes

"Death Star"

"Excuse me?" I gave him a look "Did you just make a reference from Star Wars?"


"Okay, that just creepy"

"Death Gun"

"That's lame"

"Zombie Breath"


"Walking Dead"

"Another reference"

"Sparkling Zombie"

"Do you want me to stab you?"


"I'm not sparkling! Stop with sparkling!"

"Glitter Zombie"

"Yes, I'm going to bath you in it if you said everything related to sparkling or glitter"

"Hell Boy"

"Somebody is going to sue you"

"Shiny Zombie"

"I'm not even going to comment on that"

Percy opened his mouth and closed it again, he tapped his chin as he looked at the ceiling. I only sighed as I tossed the apple into the air and caught it again, repetedly. After a minute or two Percy put his attention to me again while grinned.

"Morning Star"

I stopped tossing the apple into the air "Did you just call me the devil itself?"

"I mean, you are represent the light and shadow right? Before the devil fall he's an angel and turned into the devil"

I just stared at him "From my parentage yes, but really? Lucifer?"

"Devil Boy?" Percy tilted his head.

I put the apple on the table and sighed "Percy, did you really want to spend our time for my nickname?"

"Hey, did you get your energy from the sun light?" he asked me

"I swear to Hades, if you called me Tree Guy, or anything related to plant or Chlorophille. I'm going to roast you, alive"

"Leaf Face, Solar Panel, Walking Battery, Walking Energy, Lamp Face, Walking Solar Panel, Green Man, Potato Guy, Mr. Flammable-" and he stopped because an apple landed on the middle of his face

"It will be flaming Apple if you keep talking" I warned him while wield a bowl full of apple "I have a lot of ammunition"

"Flame head" Percy pointed his finger at me.

All hell break lose after that and I mean thatliterally, a flaming apple and the appearance of the devil itself, my angrymother. After scolded me and Percy, a little smack on mine and Percy head, andno dessert for me, Percy gave me one new nickname, 'FlamingChicken' or known as 'Phoenix'.

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