Fun Nightmare

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You wake up, gasping for air, and sit up in your bed to see anti watching you, emotionless. "Anti... what... was that?" you say, trying to slow your racing heart. "A Nightmare I made for you. You still have two more. There is no fourth option, and there is no way out of the nightmare. I choose when you wake up for the next ones." Anti told you. Nothing had been easy yesterday, and now today you had no idea what to expect.
Anti left your room and you took a shower, got dressed, and decided to eat breakfast. Anti gave you waffles. "Thanks. Again." You say, eating them while thinking about Luke. I want him to notice that he did something wrong... if he actually did. I still don't understand if that was real or just me seeing things. I will have to ask luke soon, when we get the chance to be alone.
You got a text from Lily, and the sound of the phone going off made Anti snap out of his thoughts. He glitched a lot, and you nearly gasped as he appeared right next to you. "Anti, what is it?" you ask. He just looked over your shoulder as you texted her back.
Lily: Hey, doing anything today? I kinda want to be with you and luke again. Kaylee might as well.
Y/n: Not sure. I have no idea what I am going to do today. I will find a time. I promise.
Lily: Okay. Make sure it's soon! I will let them know as well.
You put the phone down and went back to your room. Anti seemed to be fine with doing nothing today. You listened to music and texted your sisters and Luke. After a long day, you went back to sleep.
"Welcome back," Anti said. "The choices." Anti patiently waited as you looked at your options. The static still scared you, and Anti was slient, maybe reading your thoughts. You walked over to Anti's pillar, and he spoke. "Good choice." He said. "You will love what I have for you." Everything changed, and You were in a hallway. A very long one. You could barely tell if there was an end to it. "What is this going to be?" you asked, intrested. "A horrifying version of Hide and seek." He said. "You have thirty seconds." He counted down in your head. "30... 29... 28..." you ran off and noticed they had numbers. you didn't look at the number when you went into one of the rooms. That would have just told him where you were.
"...2 ...1..." he stopped counting, and you heard doors slam agianst their far walls. It was like he just blew them of their hinges without even touching them. You were next to a cabnet, which was next to the door. You had a huge chance of screaming when that door left its hinges. The sound got louder until you finally screamed when yours blew off. The noise stopped. Fuck. You thought. Anti smiled when he reached you. He laughed, and said, you're not great at hide and seek, are you, y/n?"

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