Last Nightmare

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You found yourself on the pillar again. Anti was on his pillar, and he waited for you to reach your last pillar. You walked to it, and the room changed. The static was so loud you felt like you wanted to cover you ears, but you could stand it. "It's strength is hearing." Anti told you. You waited for a short moment, and the creature that came out of the TV made you gag. It had no eyes. It had claws on it's hands, and it looked like a Cross between a human and a lion. All you saw from where the eyes were supposed to be was a black liquid. You  saw a knife by the wall, and grabbed it, alerting the creature as it scraped the ground. It looked straight at you with it's sightless eye sockets, and leaped over to you. You had to lower yourself against the wall as it put its hands against the wall, right where you would have been.
You saw a strange spot on the bottom of its jaw, and knew that was where you had to kill it, but you were right where that black stuff would go. You would die when it heard you. You felt pain on your upper arm as the black stuff fell from its eyes. Great! It's fucking acid! you thought, trying not to make any sound. You jabbed the knife into it's jaw, and it roared and growled and lept back. "This thing is so creepy. I am glad this thing doesn't exist." You say, waiting for it to come back.
After five stabs, you were covered in acid, but you killed it. You didn't expect anything else to happen, but you were wrong not to. Black acid fell from the ceiling. it landed on you, and it wasn't the acid from the monster, it was worse. It burned straight through your skin. You screamed in pain and slowly got disintegrated by the acid, knowing that you were going to wake up soon. You didn't know how long it would be before this pain stopped. All you could do was wait.
The monster thing was back. You didn't know how. You had killed that thing. It walked over to you-or what was left of you-and picked you up with its claws, threw you in the air, and ate you. The nightmare was finally over.

Road to Revenge (Anti x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now