With you tonight...

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As winter developed, It started to get very cold. One night, Takagi and Nishikata were eating, and Takagi said,

TAKAGI: "Hey, how about a contest?"

NISHIKATA: "Sure, what is it?"

TAKAGI: "Um, how about, if you can guess how many calories are in this meal? If you guess within 100 calories of the right amount, you win, but if you don't, you have to sleep with me."

NISHIKATA: "What?! Takagi, what are you talking about?" *blushes*

TAKAGI: "I want to sleep next to you since it's cold. Why, what were you thinking?" *stares questioningly*

NISHIKATA: "Okay..." (Oh crap, I don't know anything about calories, and 100? I can't tell if that's a lot of room to work or barely any...)

TAKAGI: "So, what's your answer?"

NISHIKATA: "Um, 380?"

TAKAGI: "You sure?"

NISHIKATA: (Well not anymore, but it's not like I've got a better shot so...) "Yeah."

TAKAGI: "Wrong. The answer was 520!"

With that, the night continued and when they decided to go to bed, Nishikata began to walk to his room as he did every night, until Takagi said

TAKAGI: "Where are you going?"

NISHIKATA: "I'm going to be- Wait, you were serious?"

TAKAGI: Yeah, why? You thought I wasn't?"

NISHIKATA: "I don't know, I guess I just forgot."

TAKAGI: "Okay then, come on."

NISHIKATA: "Okay..." *blushes*

TAKAGI: "Are you blushing?"

NISHIKATA: "What no, what would I be blushing about?"

TAKAGI: "I don't know, maybe sleeping super close to a girl?"

NISHIKATA: "What, no! Anyway we're here, c'mon let's get to sleep."

TAKAGI: "Okay!" *lies down* "You know, we should do this more often, it's snug."

NISHIKATA: *blushes* "Yeah, I guess."

As life continued, they decided to go hiking, to get to know each other more, without being surrounded by their school friends. As they reached the woods, they got a map from an info stand and decided to follow the medium path, 5k long. They began adventuring, Takagi teasing Nishikata and him trying not to get them lost. About halfway, they came across a fork in the path, and Nishikata wasn't sure which way to turn, so he told Takagi to head left and he would head right, and they would call each other if they saw the signs that the people who made the maps put down, indicating the path to take.

 When Nishikata did find it, he tried to call Takagi, but there was no service. So he decided to head back, keeping on trying. When he reached the fork, he still couldn't see or call her, so he started to walk down her path.

 As time went on, Nishikata started to get worried. He came across another fork, and since he didn't know which way she went, he just did what she would do, make a choice, don't overthink it. After a bit more walking, he heard a voice. As it got closer, he knew that it was Takagi, so he ran to her, and hugged her when they reached each other. They were both sobbing, feeling happy, but still in their scared states. They began to walk back, hand in hand and Nishikata said,

NISHIKATA: "Hey Takagi? Can we sleep in the same bed again tonight?"

TAKAGI: "What? I thought you were embarrassed."

NISHIKATA: "Yeah I know, but I just got really scared just now, and I don't want to lose you again, this way I can keep an eye on you." *blushes*

TAKAGI: "Okay." *giggles*

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