Part 2

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When Matthew walked into his house after school, he was the happiest he had been in a long time. He had a friend and she was so cool. She was brave and kinda tough. She was also really pretty.

"Hey, Mom! Are you home?" he called out excitedly, as he dropped his book bag by the door.

"In the office, honey," his mom called back.

Matthew hurried down the hall and started to loudly ramble about Y/n, "Omg, Mom! You would not believe how cool the new girl is! Her name is Y/n and she is the most amazing draw..." he was cut off as he entered his mother's office and she saw his split lip and slightly bruised face.

"Matthew! My god, what happened to you? It was Levi again, wasn't it? I'm calling the school tomorrow," she said as she rushed over and looked at him.

Trying to pull away from his mother's prodding hands, Matthew reassured her, "Mom... Mom, stop! I'm fine. Yes, Levi and some guys were picking on me, but Y/n stopped them. I think they will leave me alone now."

"Y/n is the new girl from down the road? The one that blew you off this morning? She stepped in and helped you?" his mom asked, as she stopped taking inventory of her son's injuries.

"Yes, and she didn't blow me off... she... she had to warm up to me. I think she normally likes to keep to herself, but she is actually really nice. You should see her drawings! They are so awesome! So much better as mine, but she said that she liked mine and that they were just as good. That I just had a different style," Matthew excitedly rambled, as his mother went back to her desk smiling at him.

When he had finished and took a deep breath, his mother asked, "So, how did one small girl take on a group of boys?"

Blushing, Matthew looked away from his mom and pretended that something on her bookshelf was really interesting. "She was very brave. I... I can't really repeat what she said, because you would probably ground me, but, it definitely worked. I don't think they will be bothering me anymore," Matthew cautiously told his mother. When he dared to quickly peek at her from the corner of his eye, she was squinting at him with her lips pursed, so he quickly looked away and continued to study the bookshelf.

"Well, I guess I should do something to thank her then. Do you think she would like some cookies? I can make some chocolate chip ones," his mom said, as she walked out the room.

"Mom, you can't make her cookies! It's gonna make it weird," he said, quickly following her out the room.

****** Later That Evening******

Lying in bed, Y/n thought about her day, and a smile came to her face. After the incident at lunch, her and Matthew had pretty much become inseparable. At P.E., they hung out together, and then in art class, he drew her some of his creatures and she loved them! On their walk home, she learned that he had gone to magic camp and he did some magic tricks for Benny. Which he really enjoyed... and so did she. It was kinda neat.

Y/n knew that getting close to Matthew was a bad idea. It would only end one way, but it had been so long since she hung out with someone her age. She could also tell he was just as lonely as she was. So, even if they would both get hurt in the end, maybe it would be worth it. Maybe she should give him a warning and let him decide for himself. 

Even with the depressing thought of having to explain to Matthew, that her family was known for frequent and sudden moves, Y/n couldn't help but be really excited for tomorrow. She didn't think anything could dampen her spirits, but, of course, she was wrong. As she was reaching over to turn off her bedside lamp, the sound of Larry's pickup pulling into the driveway made her blood run cold.

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