Part 7

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When Y/n first woke, the first thing she saw when she slowly opened her eyes was Matthew's sleeping face. Their noses were almost touching and his hair was all over the place. He looked so young when he was sleeping. He also had his arm draped over her waist.

She laid there for a long time, just memorizing his face. With her eyes, she traced the sharp line of his jaw, the curve of his bottom lip, and slope of his ridiculously adorable button nose. He had grown into the most breathtaking example of a man. She could completely understand how he would have been scouted by a modeling agent. As she silently gazed upon his face, a small smile played across her lips.

But it didn't last long, because she knew she would never do this again. She was so tempted to wake him with a kiss, and once again invite him into her body. But she knew that it would be less painful if she just left now. It was a one-time deal. They were now friends and nothing more. She just took solace in the belief that she had given him a better first time then her own.

Biting her lip and fighting back her tears, she gently brushed the hair from his forehead and placed the gentlest of kisses in the middle. Carefully, she slipped out from underneath his arm and collected her clothes. Just before slipping through his door, she turned and took one last look at his sleeping form.

Once she was back in her room, she closed the door and locked it. Turning, she put her back to the door, and as she started to crumble, she slid down along the smooth wood to the floor. Y/n then curled in on herself and her body shook as she sobbed.

At first, she had tried to pretend in her mind that it was her first time too. The way it would have been when they were younger, but it didn't work. She was far too experienced to fool her mind.

What she wouldn't give to go back in time. To start all over. She would have never trusted West. Never would have snuck out to go to that party. She would have never taken that drink from him or let him lead her to that room. Or let him do to her what he did behind that closed door. She was stupid, and the choices she made took the one thing she wanted the most and flushed it down the toilet.

Once her tears had subsided, she crawled across her room and pulled out the cardboard box hidden beneath her bed. Opening it, Y/n pulled out an unopened bottle of vodka. Standing, she kicked the box back under bed, causing various bottles to clank together, and then climbed under the covers. Scooting back against the headboard, she opened the bottle and brought it to her lips and tipped it back.

Looking at her clock, she saw that it was almost 3:00 am and sighed. She was about to lift the bottle to her mouth again, when she heard movement outside her bedroom door. She froze and waited to hear if he would call out her name. When the knob started to wobble once, then twice, she wasn't sure what to do.

Silently, she slipped off her bed and tiptoed to the door. She gently placed her hand on the cool wood and leaned her ear against the grain. It was dead quiet on the other side and she thought for sure he had left, then she heard the wavering intake of breath. It was a sound he only made when he was crying. Pulling her head away from the door, she stood there a moment weighing her options, but just as she was about to unlock her door, she heard his shut. Slowly, she pulled her hand back and let it hang at her side. Slumping her shoulders with the weight of her guilt, Y/n brought the bottle back up to her lips and turned back to her bed.


When Matthew woke with swollen eyes the next morning, the apartment was silent and still. Noting the time, he realized he had slept well into the afternoon. Collecting some clothes, he exited his room and headed toward the bathroom. On his way through the living room, he grabbed his script, and when he stood, he couldn't help but look back at her room. Sighing, he turned and entered the bathroom.

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