Part 4

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After everything that happened in the last two weeks, Y/n's life has been really good. That night with Larry had been the turning point. After calling her mom to let her know what had happened and that they were at Matthew's, her mother had called the police and had Larry removed from their home. He had been arrested and Y/n and Benny no longer had to live in fear.

Y/n took a week off of school while her bruises faded, but they allowed her to do most of her work from home so she would not get too far behind. Matthew was a big help, because he offered to bring everything to her and let her even use his notes from class. The only problem was that, when he came over, there was a lot less supervision at her house than his, and they often spent more time sitting across from each other on her bed, kissing, than doing actual work.

Even though they have only been dating for two weeks, Y/n felt like they would be together forever. She was pretty certain that she loved Matthew. She really hated having to stay home while he went to school.  All she wanted to do was walk to classes with him and sit beneath their tree together. Every day that week at three-thirty, she would quickly fix herself up and then sit on the front step and wait for Matthew to walk Benny home. The moment Benny would walk inside and close the door Y/n would launch herself at Matthew and kiss him. She loved kissing him. Even if they were simply closed mouth kisses, which was all either of them were brave enough to do. For the most part their relationship was much of the same it had always been, just with more frequent kissing.

When Y/n's bruises had faded enough to be hidden beneath makeup, she returned to school. Now when they walked from class to class, they held hands and at lunch they sat closer together beneath their tree.

Y/n wasn't sure whose idea it was, certainly not her's; they went behind the bleachers, where they made out for the last ten minutes of lunch. It was very exciting, that was, until someone ratted them out and they had to go to the principal's office. Luckily for them, Matthew's reputation with the school staff was pretty great due to his willingness to always help, and his overwhelming politeness. They were given a warning and were told that the teachers would be watching them.


Matthew thought he was going to die! He was so scared they would call his mom. While he was sure she wouldn't be too mad at him, he knew she would be disappointed. She was also likely to not let him go to Y/n's after school or let Y/n and him be alone in his room anymore. There was already a new "no bed" rule. A rule that he hated. He really liked it when they would watch a movie at Y/n's house, and she would put her head in his lap while laying down, allowing him to run his fingers through her hair. She even fell asleep once, and he completely forgot about the movie and just watched her gently snore.

Having Y/n as a girlfriend was better than he could ever imagine. He loved her, without a doubt. He loved her before they had started dating. In fact, he was pretty sure he loved her the moment she saved him from Levi. She had been so happy since Larry was arrested. He never caught her lost in worried thoughts anymore. Her laughter came easier and was lighter. Even her drawings had become brighter and more upbeat. Gone was the familiar tension she used to carry on her shoulders. Also, a lot of the stress of having to protect Benny was gone.

It was quickly approaching Fall; Matthew's favorite time of year, and he couldn't wait to share it with Y/n. It wasn't even September and he already had some really great couples Halloween costume ideas. Originally, he had planned to suggest they go as Wednesday and Pugsley Addams, but now that they were dating, he felt like Gomez and Morticia would be a bit more fitting. Also, he would love to see her dressed up as Morticia. Just thinking about it made his jean shorts less comfortable to be in.

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