Part 16

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The next morning, Y/n woke up before Matthew and quietly dressed. While he slept, she ordered breakfast and coffee, she was hoping to be able to sneak in a quick cup before he woke. As she waited for the food to arrive, she sat in quiet contemplation. The last two days had gone by really fast and now her whole life was going to be uprooted and changed all around. Hopefully, for the good, this time. She was excited to be returning home, but part of her was still worried. What if they still didn't work out? She really didn't think that could happen, but part of her was waiting for the other shoe to drop. It was just going to smoothly.

Sighing, Y/n tried to push her darker thoughts to the back of her mind, as not to stress herself out. She was so lost in thought she didn't here Matthew slip out of bed and walk up behind her.

"Hey, what are you doing out here? I'm sad when I wake up and you're not there. I was very lon-," he was cut off by a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Y/n said, quickly popping up from the couch, but Matthew pushed down on her shoulder and squinted suspiciously at her.

"I'll get it," he pointed at her, as he slipped on his robe and headed for the door, "you are definitely up to something."

"Its just breakfast, Matthew."

He smiled at her and pulled the door open. Turning he was greeted by a room service attendant, whom had a cart of covered plates and two cups of coffee. Matthew couldn't help, but chuckle loudly when he saw the second cup. He now knew she was trying to sneak in the caffeinated beverage and he had to admit, he thought it was kinda cute. He would let her have it, but not without giving her a hard time. He tipped the attendant and wheeled the cart back into the room.

See, I told you it was just breakfast," Y/n said, smiling innocently.

"You're right, I'm sorry. You were just acting so weird. Oh, thanks for getting me two cups of coffee. That was really sweet of you, Baby."

"Oh... yeah. I uh, thought you might want a second cup. Keep you nice and alert for the drive home," she agreed, laughing nervously.

Matthew could hear a note of disappointment in her voice. Smiling to himself he picked one of the cups and silently walked it to her. "One in a blue moon won't hurt. I'm sorry, I was an ass about it the other day. You shouldn't have to be sneaky about it"

Y/n looked at him with widened eyes, as though she was trying to determine if he was pulling her leg. She decided he was being sincere, but grabbed the cup quickly, just in case he changed him mind. With the first sip, relief flooded her body and moaned in delight. "Oh, thank god! You have no idea how bad I needed this coffee. I probably would have cried as you drank it."

Matthew just chuckled and dipped down and stole a quick kiss. "All I can say is, I couldn't do it. Just cut off coffee like that. You deserve a cup here and there. So... what are we having for breakfast," he asked, as he walked over to the cart and removed the lids. "French toast and fruit! Wow, these are huge strawberries. Do you see these things?"

Y/n smiled at Matthew's child-like excitement over the above average berries. "I even got some bacon, see," she said pointing. She then took another sip of coffee and hummed, letting her eyes slid shut. "Oh... that's almost as good as sex."

"Shit, thanks!"

"I said almost. Sex with you is much higher up on the chart, then this coffee. Don't worry," she said, reaching over to cart to grab a blueberry and popping it into her mouth.

"Better be! If you would have stayed that cute ass of yours in bed this morning, we could have tested the theory."

"I mean... after I finish this cup and my breakfast, we still could. That is if you're up for it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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