Part 12

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Two days prior

Vivian was pissed. Matthew wasn't answering her calls or texts and she had a pretty good idea as to why. She was worried when she left that this was going to happen. Matthew had seemed way to excited for her to leave, like he wasn't going to miss her at all. She wasn't stupid. She knew that their relationship was going to be short lived if she didn't do something. She'd been feeling him slip through her fingers ever since Y/n returned from rehab.

"What's wrong girlie," asked Sidney, her costar, as she sat in the makeup chair next to her. "You look pissed about something."

Vivian sighed and slammed her phone down on the counter in front of her. "Matthew hasn't answered any of my texts or calls in almost two days. He is off and usually always has it with him. I'm pretty sure he is fucking his roommate. God, I can't stand that bitch."

"Wait, you let your boyfriend live with another woman? Well, that was your first mistake."

"They were already living together when we started dating. They've known each other since they were kids. They are best friends, but they also dated when they were like 14 or something, but I wasn't told that until after we started dating. He swore that he didn't like her in a romantic way. Even though it was clear she did. But she is like this raging alcoholic and ended up in rehab the first week we were dating. Our first month together was great, granted he was a little preoccupied because she wasn't calling him. But other than that, it was really good... until she returned all sober and healthy. Since then I've been feeling him pull away. He won't sleep with me at his place if she is around. So, we started staying at my place, but he still doesn't seem that interested in fooling around. I'm pretty sure he is going to break up with me when I get home."

"Looks like you need a way to pin him. Tell me, is he a family-oriented kind of guy or a fuck boy type?"

"He is all about family. Definitely not a fuck boy. He was pretty much a virgin when I got my hands on him. I think he with one other person and it was only once or twice from what I understand."

Sidney looked at in shock. "How old is he?"

"Twenty-six. I think he didn't lose it until this year too."

"Wow...just wow. That's crazy. Is he any good at least?"

Vivian just smiled and said, "He gets the job done."

"Well, then definitely a keeper, right? So, since he is a family guy, this is what you need to do," Sidney leaned in close and started to whisper, "I can get you these fake pregnancy tests. All you have to is wet them and wait five minutes. The answer will always be pregnant. Wa La! Trapped. If he is a family man like you say, he won't break up with you and he will straighten up."

"But I'm not pregnant... won't he get suspicious, when there is no signs of pregnancy?"

Her friend rolled her eyes and talking to her like she was stupid, said, "well, duh! You get pregnant. Most guys see pregnancy as a perfect excuse to stop wrapping it. So just stop taking your birth control and fuck like rabbits. It'll happen. Plus, here is the best part, it's going to put a wedge between him and the alcoholic." Sidney then sat back laughing.

"And you... you've done this before? And it worked?"

"Oh yeah. I've gotten several good parts do this. Hook up with a producer or director, say your pregnant, blackmail them for a better part, and after there is too much footage to waste and you can't be replaced or fired, then "lose" the baby. So easy. Men are dumb sweetie. So, do you want the tests or not?"

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