Part 10

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Twenty-nine days. That's how long Y/n has been gone. Come tomorrow evening, she will be home. Which is why Matthew couldn't sleep. Lying in his bed next to Vivian, so much was going through his mind. So many mixed emotions. He was excited to see her again because he missed her terribly, but he was also nervous about her return. He had talked with her once or twice since dropping her off, and she had sounded good... happy.  She had asked him how things were going with him and he had told her he was now dating Vivian, and it was going well. He wanted to gauge her reaction before she got home. While Y/n had been quiet for a moment, she sounded generally happy for him once she did respond. She had made it very clear that when she returned, she wouldn't be ready for any kind of romantic anything with anyone. As far as she is concerned, nothing ever happened between them.  She had asked him if he understood and could respect that, and he agreed.

Matthew had to admit that having Vi around to distract him had been helpful. He even really enjoyed spending time with her.  In the beginning, he was somewhat reluctant, but then he was honest with himself and knew that it was pointless to wait for Y/n. She had made it very clear that they would, more than likely, be nothing more than friends. So he decided to fully dive into the growing relationship he had with Vivian.

So, over the last month, Vivian and Matthew spent almost every day together. She was funny and sweet. She didn't even get embarrassed when he acted like a dork in public. She would just laugh and give him a kiss. Dare he say, he was actually falling for her. He looked forward to their time together, and things in the bedroom had definitely improved. The key was to accept she would never replace Y/n, and that, in the bedroom, she had different tastes. Once he realized this, he was able to enjoy and appreciate the intimate time he spent with Vi.

Matthew just hoped his new found relationship with Vi didn't make Y/n's return any more awkward than it was before. He wasn't sure if he would be able to have sex with Vivian while Y/n was in the next room over. He knows that Y/n told him to date her, but saying it and having to hear Vi scream his name, are two different things. And, as it turns out, Vi is pretty loud now that they've gotten comfortable with each other. Maybe they would have to spend more nights at her place. Hopefully, Y/n will be able to handle the fact that he was dating and sleeping with someone else.

He had also hoped it wouldn't cause any tension between Vivian and himself. He had noticed that the closer it got to Y/n's return, the clingier Vi got. She seemed almost nervous. She had actually even asked him more than once if he was attracted to Y/n or if he thought she was pretty. It probably didn't help that he said yes, she was obviously pretty, but then quickly back peddled and said he wasn't attracted to her like that, though. That aesthetically, yes, he could see how most people would find her very attractive. He then rambled on about how they were friends and she was like a sister. Vivian had finally stopped Matthew from talking, but by then, he was sure he dug himself a pretty deep hole. He protested too strongly and desperately for it to be truthful. Even he could see it, after that blunder of a conversation; Vivian never brought it up again, and pretended like it never happened. He knew she still thought about it, though. Every time Y/n came up in conversation, Matthew would see her stiffen slightly. He was just going to have to prove to her that she was the only girl he wanted... even if it wasn't the complete truth.

Sighing, he turned in his bed, facing Vivian's sleeping form. She had offered to go with him tomorrow evening to pick up Y/n, but he declined and she got upset and went to bed somewhat angry. He felt bad for saying no, but didn't seem like it was a good idea. Not only that, he just didn't want to have to split his attention between the two of them.  Matthew hadn't seen Y/n in a month. He just wanted to focus on her. Saturday evening couldn't come soon enough.


Y/n sat on the bed that she called her own for the last month. She was excited to return to her normal life: her home, her job..... Matthew. She missed him, but she wasn't going to let herself think about that.

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