Part 15

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As they reached the bottom of the steps, they were greeted by Matthew's, very unamused mother.

"Y/n, your meal is in the dinning room. Though it is more than likely cold now."

Y/n shifted uneasily, from foot to foot and said, "Thank you Mrs. G. It perfect, I'm sure. I-I'm sorry that we... took so long to come down stairs."

His mother just lifted and eyebrow and pinned her eyes on her son. "Matthew, I need to talk to you in the the kitchen, now."

Matthew swallowed nervously and nodded his head, before glancing over at Y/n and grimacing as he followed his mother to the kitchen.

"It will be ok. I love you ," she mouthed to him, as she sat at the table and started to eat the salmon and asparagus his mother had warmed up for her. Just as Matthew disappeared through the kitchen door, Laura sauntered over and sat in the chair across from her.

"So, that was pretty entertaining and not at all awkward," Laura said, chuckling.  Y/n just blushed, as she looked down at her plate and pushed her food around.

They sat in an uncomfortable silence for a moment when Matthew's sister asked, "Am I getting a niece or nephew?"

Y/n glanced up at Laura and took another bite of fish before answering, "I'm only sixteen weeks. I won't know until my anatomy ultrasound in two weeks. But we will let you know."

"Are you moving back to L.A. with Matthew?"

Y/n paused in thought, before saying, "we haven't really talked about it... or much of anything yet."

"Yeah, I know... we heard." Y/n ducked her head in embarrassment again. "Oh my god, relax! I'm just teasing. Anyways, you do know he isn't going to leave without you right. Honestly, I'll be surprised if he ever lets you out of his sight again."

Y/n smiled to herself and munched on an asparagus. She really kinda like that idea and definitely felt the same. "I'll happily go home. We've been away from each other for too long."

As Y/n sat and quietly ate her dinner, Laura smiled at her. She was happy for her and her brother. Anyone, who has ever seen them together knew that they were made for each other.


As soon as they were alone, Matthew started to apologize, "Mom, I am so so sorry! I don't even know what to say. We just got caught in the moment. She just gave me really great news and it's been so long since we—."

"Stop. Matthew, just stop. It's fine, I understand. I really do. I was young and in love once and you two are not children anymore. You're an adult, in an adult relationship. I do, however, wish you could have gone about it a little quitter. Let's just not let happen in my house, again. I don't care if you almost thirty. I will remove that door, if I have to." Marilyn was glad to see her son had enough sense to look ashamed, as he looked down at his feet. "But none of that is why I wanted to talk to you."

Matthew looked up at his mother with confusion. "Then what did you want to talk about?"

"You have a child on the way and you finally got the woman you love... don't mess it up this time, son. I've known since the two of you met that this was where it would lead. I never once doubted it. Which, is why I was so strict about you two not being left alone. I was worried we would get here much sooner then necessary. I didn't want you both to ruin your lives. I assume you plan to get married at some point?"

Matthew actually got a far away look in his eye, as he imagined Y/n in a wedding dress. The thought bring a smile to his face. Nodding his head, he finally focused back on his mother and confirmed, "most definitely. Probably not right away, because I don't feel like we need to rush. But when the time was right, yeah. I'm definitely going to marry her. I can't imagine not doing so.

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