Part 14

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Stepping out of the bathroom, Y/n slipped the one wand she was keeping, into her sweatpants pocket and wandered over to Benny's bedroom door. Standing outside his room, she nervously worried her hands and tried to decided if she should wake him.

The reason she needed him, was to help clear out her room of all the alcohol. Being a creature of habit, she had once again, squirreled away several bottles. And while she was pretty sure her discovery and the building worry and guilt of having been drinking as late as that day, would be enough to motivate her to stay sober, she honestly didn't trust herself.

So, here she was, trying to work up the nerve to knock on his door. They had gotten in an argument earlier, as they often do these days, and their already strained relationship was on the rocks. Maybe, this would be something that could help mend that bridge. Taking a deep breath, Y/n tapped on the door, quietly rapping at first and then a little louder when she didn't initially get a response. Y/n dropped her hand when she heard rustling on the other side of the door.

"Benny? I'm sorry... I- I know it's late, but it's important. I really need your help with something... Benny?"

The door swung open to reveal her very tired and very unamused younger brother. "What do you need," he snapped.

Y/n swallowed and open and closed her mouth a couple times, while she tried to figure out what she was going to say. When Benny rolled his eyes and began to shut the door in her face, Y/n suddenly blurred out, "I need you to help me clean the alcohol out of my room, because I just found out I'm pregnant."

Benny paused, with the door half way closed, and then slowly reopened it. "Did you just say you are pregnant?"

Y/n just nodded with wide, watery eyes.

"Oh, shit," Benny said, looking shocked.

"Yeah," she said, with a nervous laugh.

"So... I assume it's...," Benny trailed off.

"Matthew's? Yeah, of course."

"Have you told him?"

Y/n shifted her gaze, guiltily to the floor, again starting to ring her hands. "N-no... not yet. I mean... I tried, but I...," she shifted on her feet and sighed. "I'm going to tell him... just not yet."

Benny just quietly stared at her and sighed when she risked a peek at him from under her brow. "You better, because it be shitty if you didn't. Now, let's go clean out that room real quick. I'll grab a box."


Y/n pretty much spent the next day in bed. Her morning sickness and her body's plea for alcohol, made it hard for her to keep much down and she felt extremely weak. However, between naps, she was able to do searches for low cost clinics she could visit and make sure her baby was developing properly. She was concerned about how heavily she had been drinking up to that point, as well as, what the effect suddenly stopping could have on the baby. So, she found herself googling that as well.

After locating a low- income woman's center that helped with outpatient detox for pregnant women, she called and scheduled an appointment. After hanging up, Y/n placed her phone down in front of her, on her bed and just stared at it. She was mentally tried to talk herself into having the courage to call Matthew. Benny was right, it would be shitty if she didn't tell him. She was just so scared to tell him. She had left L.A. for a reason and here she was, once again, throwing wrenches into the mechanics of his life.

Groaning in frustration, Y/n flopped back onto her bed. Grabbing a pillow, she covered her face and screamed loudly into it. After her lungs had expelled all they could, she tossed the pillow to the side and took a deep inhale and blow it out forcefully, before sitting up again. Glaring at her phone, she whined before picking it up and dialing Matthew's number. She chewed her chapped, bottom lip as she listened to the line ring. He didn't pick up. He must be filming. She had never been more excited to get a voice mail, but instead of leaving a message she hung up. This wasn't the kind of thing you left in a voice mailbox, she thought, trying to excuse her avoidance.

Old Friends and New TerritoresOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz