Night: Part 26

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Why do some people vote before you even read the part? It confuses me, you don't even know if it's going to be good or not.

I grab the remote and smirk at Dylan. "Again?!" he asks looking at me like I'm insane.

"You know you love it!" I complain to him.

Thomas laughs even though he is confused. I go to Disney+ and I put on Hamilton.

I rush to my room and Aaron Burr walks in and starts singing. I sing as I run to my room. I open my door and grab some blankets and pillows. I rush out of my door singing "..Then a hurricane came..."

I stop and hand a blanket to both Dylan and Thomas. Then I hand them a pillow each. I sit down next to Thomas and he says "Thanks"

I nod at him as I pull the blanket over myself. I sit with my body facing Thomas. I turn my head to the TV and I bend my knees and pull my thighs closer to my chest, my back rests on the couches arm rest.

Thomas looks at me and leans his back against my legs. My legs hold him up. If he leaned his head back it would rest on my knees. He makes sure he is not crushing my feet as he puts his legs over the arm rest on his side.

Thomas begins to ruffle up his hair, I move my hand and put my hand in his hair as I ruffle it up. His hand is still in his hair when I do so, so our hands touch. He pulls his hand down and giggles as I ruffle his hair. I giggle and run my fingers in his hair. After a few seconds I pull my hand out of his hair and rest it on my top of my stomach.

Dylan starts yelling the lyrics and Thomas and I just giggle at him. "I told you he liked it" I whisper to Thomas.

Thomas just giggles more at my comment. We continue to watch and I sing some parts and so does Dylan.

Then Samuel Seabury comes out and starts singing 'Farmer Refuted'

I sing all of Seabury's lines and Dylan sings most of Hamilton's. Thomas just giggles at us. After the song Dylan high fives me, making Thomas and I laugh. Then King George III comes out and I sing the whole song with him.

We continue to watch and Charles Lee comes on. I say with Lee "I'm a general wheee"

I say every line Charles Lee says and Dylan says most of Washington's and some of Hamilton's.

We continue to watch, Thomas is still leaning on me, I say to him jokingly "At any moment I could move my legs and you would fall"

"I'll just pull you back down if you stand up" he says making us both laugh.

We continue to watch when I yell at the same time as Burr "Hamilton wrote the other 51!"

We watch till the end. When it is done I start to stand up, I forget Thomas is still leaning on my legs. He starts to fall, he goes to grab something to help himself back up as he falls. I catch him and lay his head down on the couch I laugh and say "I'm so sorry about that"

Thomas just laughs then Dylan stands up and comes over to us. I pick up my phone that was sitting on the table and look at the time, it read 11:36pm. "It's 11:36" I tell them.

I grab my blanket and say "I'm going to bed"

"Wow you're no fun" Dylan says.

I groan and put my blanket back down "Fine I'll stay"

Thomas sits up so I can sit next to him. I sit down and rest my head on a pillow.

"Ky you're fall asleep"

"No I'm not" I mumble.

I start drifting off until Dylan shakes me. I groan and Dylan says something but I didn't hear him. Thomas stands up and reaches his arm out to help me up. I groan and sit up and grab his hand.

He helps me up then asks "Do you want a ride?"

I nod and he picks me up bridal style "I thought you meant a piggy back ride" I say laughing.

Dylan and Thomas go downstairs. I am still in Thomas' arms I have my arms wrapped around his neck. "If we fall-" I start to say but Thomas cuts me off by saying "We won't fall"

We make it all the way down the stairs. "Told you" he says. I can tell he is smirking as he says it. I laugh at him and he walks over to the couch "Thomas!" I exclaim. He sets me on the couch and gives me a confused look "What?" He asks.

I sigh of relief and tell him "I thought you were going to drop me"

"Oh" he says and laughs then Dylan says "I would've"

I roll my eyes and ask "Why are we down here?"

"Mario kart" Dylan says as he grabs the controllers.

I am sitting in the middle of Thomas and Dylan. Dylan to my left and Thomas is to my right.

Dylan kept complaining about Thomas getting to be Mario. "I want to be Mario!"

Thomas giggles and I say "You are such a five year old"

"Who are you going to be?" Thomas asks me.

"Either Toad or Dry Bones" I think for a second and decide on Dry Bones.

I roll my eyes and play a round with them. I got second and Thomas got first, while Dylan got third.

I put my remote down and rest my back on the couch. "I'm just gonna watch you guys now" I tell them.

The guys continue to play after a few rounds I fell asleep.

Thomas' Pov:

Kylie fell asleep after a while and eventually her head fell onto my arm. I try my hardest to not wake her up, we continue to play for an hour with Kylie still asleep on my arm.

After Dylan turns off the TV he puts away the remotes. "I can car-" Dylan starts to say but I cut him off by saying "It's fine I'll carry her"

Dylan nods and smiles, I pick her up and look at her and smile without realizing.

Dylan then says "Are you gonna stop fantasizing about my sister?"

I walk up the stairs without saying a word. I walk into Kylie's room, I look around and it is very neat.

She is a very organized person. The floors are a grey wood, the wall are white, next to her bed is a desk and on the desk she has pictures of her and Dylan in a frame. There is a white rug under her queen sized bed.

I set her slim body down on the bed and pull the blanket on top of her. I kiss Kylie's head and whisper "Sweet dreams"

I look in the comet of her room to see a huge bookshelves filled with book. I giggle and walk out of the room. I close the door and see Dylan in the living room. I sit on the couch I slept in last night.

Dylan and I talked for a while and we ended up watching Jurassic Park 3. We only watched it because Kylie is in it and she is sleeping right now. Kylie is so cute in it! She is so little! I can't believe that she is in this movie! She did a great job acting in it also!

Her hair is a little lighter and her eyes look the same as they do now. She is a lot shorter. Kylie told me she acted in this when she was 9.

We were both tall for our age, Kylie told me when she was 13 she was 5'5". She told me the average height for a female is 5'4" so she was taller than most females at 14. Now she is 5'8" she always tells me how she loves being taller than most women. She told me she hates high heels but she wears them to premieres just so she can be a bit taller.

She is only two inches shorter than me but with heels she is my height.

After the movie Dylan goes up stairs and turns off the lights. I quickly find myself drifting off to sleep thinking about Kylie in Jurassic Park 3.

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Word Count: 1,436

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