London: Part 29

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It's the 15th of May and I am getting on a flight to go to London I had worked out all the time zones differences with Ava and how I would surprise Thomas. I get on the plane and get settled in. I try to fall asleep and somehow it works, it took two hours but I fell asleep!

Today was the day May 16, 2015! I just got off the plane and Ava is picking me up. Ava planned that I would be in there guest room so I wouldn't have to pay for a hotel.

Ava begged Thomas to spend a few nights at their parents house and he agreed to it!

I walk away and look around and she spots me just as I spot her. She is very beautiful, she runs up to me with a big smile on her face. We both wrap each other in a hug.

"I finally get to meet you!" Ava exclaims.

"Took long enough" I say smiling.

We have talked on the phone so many times I already know her well which is much nicer and easier since she isn't a stranger.

We let go of each other and I grab my luggage.

"You are so beautiful!" I say to her. She smiles at me and thanks me.

We get in the car and she starts driving. "It feels so weird to be on the left side and not drive" I tell her.

We talk for a while then I look at the clock and it says 8:00am

"I have to call Thomas and say happy birthday so he thinks I'm still at home."

"What time would it be?" Ava asks me.

"12 at night" I answer her

"Ok I'll stay silent." She tells me.

I giggle and call Thomas, he answers me in two rings.

"Hey Ky" he says in a raspy voice.

"Hey Thomas, did you just wake up?" I ask him making my voice sound a lot more tired than it actually is.

"Yeah" he says giggling then asks me "What's up?"

I giggle and say "You're just trying to avoid the obvious"

"And what's that?" He asks me, I can tell he is smiling and holding in a laugh.

"Happy Birthday Thomas! You are officially old"

He laughs and says "I'm only 25"

"25! I thought you were 19!" I say jokingly while laughing.

"Isn't it like 12 at night there?"

"Yep" I say then fake a yawn.

"Go to bed!" Thomas says laughing.

"Nooooo" I whine like a little kid then he says jokingly "Don't make me call Ki Hong!"

I gasp jokingly and say "Noooo not my dad!"

"Kylie go to bed you have a busy week this week" Thomas tells me.

I groan then sigh "Fine I'll go to bed, happy birthday Thomas, have a great day"

"Thanks Kylie"

"Tell Ava I said hi"

"She left I think, I think she went to get tea"

"Well tell her when she gets back then" I tell him.

He laughs and I add "Ok fine I'll go to bed, bye Thomas"

"Goodnight, bye Ky"

I hang up and Ava starts laughing. I giggle at her and she says "You two are so weird! He totally fell for it!"

"I mean I am an actor for a reason" I say jokingly making us both laugh.

We arrive and Ava opens the door and yells "Thomas I'm home early!"

Thomas comes down the stairs in joggers and a plain shirt. Thomas grew his hair out a little. He is about five steps away from the bottom then I say "Nice hair"

Thomas' eyes widen in shock and a huge smile grows on his face as he turns his head to look at me. He jumped down the rest of the stairs and full out sprinted to me embracing me in a hug. He picks me up and spins me around while hugging me. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" he repeats.

Then I say sarcastically "All I said was 'nice hair' gosh"

Ava laughs and says "He had a mustache a week ago"

Thomas giggles and puts me back on the ground and stands there hugging me. I hug him back and say "Thomas with a mustache that's weird isn't he like 15?"

Ava giggles and he asks me "Didn't you just call me? Did you fake all of that?"

"Yep" I say.

"You sounded exhausted" Thomas says to me.

I giggle at him and say "I'm a little jetlagged but it doesn't matter, Happy Birthday Thomas"

He giggles and says "Thanks, did you plan this Ava?" He says.

"I helped Kylie plan it, it was her idea, I helped her figure out the time zone differences and the plane flight" Ava tells him.

"How long was the flight?" Thomas asks sounding worried.

"11 hours" I tell him.

"Was it horrible? I'm so sorry" he asks me still with concern in his voice. We let go of each other.

"It was fine" I say looking up at him.

Ava then tells Thomas "Kylie will be here for three days, she'll sleep in the guest bedroom"

"Can't she stay like a week, or maybe a year?" Thomas whines making Ava and me laugh.

"Come on lets go grab your bags" Ava says grabbing my arm. I follow her out to the car and I grab my suitcase and my backpack. She closes the trunk and I bring my stuff inside.

I put my stuff in the guest bedroom. Ava shows me the room. We walk out and Thomas comes up to me and hugs me again, I hug him back.

"I can't believe you're here" Thomas whispers to me.

I giggle and we let go of each other. Then Ava brings her parents into the living room to join us.

"Mum, Dad, this is Kylie the one from work" Thomas says to them.

I extend my hand for a hand shake until Mr. Sangster says "We do hugs in this house"

Then he hugs me and I say "Good, hand shakes are too professional anyway"

Then Mrs. Sangster hugs me and whispers in my ear "Thomas was right, you are very beautiful"

I giggle and whisper "Thank you"

Thomas called me beautiful? He told his parents about me? I mean he told Ava about me.

"It's so nice to meet you" I say to them both while smiling.

We talk for a while. They are really nice and easy to talk to.

Word Count: 1,088

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