Chapter 7

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By the time I came out the other side, I was already covered in dust. I brushed the dust off and turned on my flashlight. This place was huge and I could immediately tell that we weren't in the school building anymore. It was dark. Even with the flashlight, I could barely see anything. I walked over to the others who were looking at a desk that was against the wall. When I saw what they were looking at, I thought to myself, "This can't be real. This has to be a nightmare. Is it though?" It was a picture of a girl lying in a puddle of blood. The ground began to spin under my feet again. I would've hit the floor if it hadn't been for Sam, who noticed me swaying, and grabbed my arm to help me stay upright. "I'm okay," I said and he let go of my arm hesitantly. I began to walk around trying to get the image of the girl out of my head. That's when I caught a glimpse of it. An object that reflected the shine of my flashlight right back into my eyes. I got closer to whatever it was. I realized it was a key. It looked brand new. I picked it up and looked around. 
"Uh, guys?" Grace said, "Come look at this." We crowded around her and saw at least a dozen framed pictures like the one we saw the girl in earlier, only these were all different people. 
"I see you've found my friends..." said a female voice. I recognized it. It was the same voice that we had heard back in my room last weekend.
I couldn't see how the others were reacting to the voice, but I knew that I was scared shitless. "What do you want!" I yelled at the voice. I'm still not sure what direction I was yelling in but I do know that I got an answer.
"Your souls. But I may spare you all. It depends."
"Anything!" I heard Grace yell. I think the rest of us were too scared to speak.
"Find my body and lay me to rest."
"Wh-where is it?" she stammered.
"I will not tell you. Remember, I still want your souls. That key you found," -I looked at the key in my hand- "that key unlocks every door except the one that separates life and death for all of you. For that door, you will have to find another way to get in. I will be there to stop you, but I made it so it is not impossible for you. Good luck." As she said those final two words, two red dots appeared and began to glow right in front of me. 
I stumbled backward until I bumped into the table and the dots disappeared. 
"Sam, I don't want to die!" Lily cried out. Tears falling from her eyes.
"Shhh. It's okay, babe. We're not going to die. I won't allow it," Sam responded as he pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her forehead. We sat there in silence for a few seconds after that, trying to wrap our heads around what had just happened. I shined my flashlight around the surrounding area. Across the room, there were two doors, one of which had the words "testing room" on it. Both rooms were locked. Since I was the only one with the key and we didn't know what we would encounter, we decided not to split up. 
"I don't think the 'Testing room' is the best place to go at the moment," Sam said, still hugging Lily, who was horrified.
I tried the key in the second door's lock. I turned the key and the door clicked. I opened the door and gasped. Grace stood there, stunned. Lily hugged Sam tighter as he pulled her head into his chest. Inside the room were cages with blood-stained floors, chains attached to the bars of the cages, and a Sony DCR-PC120BT camera in the middle of the room. 

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