Chapter 13

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I followed them as they left the basement. Sam put the cover back on the vent and Lily tightened the screws with the coin. 
"Wow. I think we may have over-prepared for that," Grace said, trying to break the silence. "According to my phone, it's 12:45 A.M. on Saturday."  No one spoke. They all left with the girl -- Diana -- still in my body.

"Where are we gonna go? We have nowhere to stay for the night," Lily pointed out.
"Wait," Grace said to Lily. "Do you still have that tree house in your backyard?" 
"Yeah. You think we could stay in there?"
"Why not? As long as your parents don't go up there for some reason we should be fine."
"Are you both dumb?" Sam butted in. "Where are we going to sleep or go to the bathroom?"
"Well, my parents are pretty heavy sleepers, so we might be able to get in the house to go to the bathroom and grab some blankets to sleep on," Lily replied. She then directed her attention to Diana. "What do you think?"
"I say we try it. What have we got to lose?" she replied in my voice. I still couldn't get over how she could imitate my voice flawlessly. I didn't like it. It drove a chill down my spine every time she spoke.
I followed them to Lily's house and watched as they climbed over the backyard fence and up the tree house ladder.
"It's so cramped in here," Sam said.
"Stop complaining," I heard my voice say.
"I'll go get blankets," Lily said, "Anyone wanna come with me?"
"I'll go," Grace replied.
Sam waited for Lily and Grace to get inside before he spoke. "I feel bad for yelling at Lily earlier. I was just overcome with so much anger earlier. I should apologize to her when she comes back."
"No. You shouldn't."
"What do you mean? Why not?" 
"I saw what happened as a spirit. I think you were right about what you said."
"Yeah. She was only thinking about herself. She didn't help you, even when you asked her to. And you know who else was being a bitch to you? Grace." Sam sat in silence for a moment, gathering his thoughts.
"You know what? You're right."
"We shouldn't say anything to them for now. If we get thrown out, we'll have nowhere to go."
"Good idea."
"Hey," Lily whispered loudly. "You wanna help us bring up the blankets?"
Sam and Diana reached down as Lily and Grace threw the blankets up to them. Then they climbed up the ladder and set the blankets up on the floor of the tree house. Before long, they all went to sleep.

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