Chapter 18

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The next day, during lunch, Diana, Grace, Sam, and Sasha were sitting at their usual table. 
"I'm gonna' go use the bathroom. I'll be right back," Diana said.
"Okay," Sam replied.
Grace waited until Diana couldn't hear them anymore before whispering, "Sam, we need to talk. It's about what happened in the basement." 
She told him everything I had told her the night before. He didn't believe her until Sasha confirmed everything. How the soul in my body wasn't mine and how she was the one who wrote the diary. 
He was silent for a minute. "I can't believe this. So you're not real, Sasha?
"I am real. I'm just not alive."
"So you're just a ghost?"
"Well, not really. The body I'm in right now, isn't mine."
"I can't believe it. I'm dating a ghost. I'm so sorry for treating you the way I did, Grace."
"I know it wasn't your fault and all, but you need to start thinking before you act," she said annoyed.
"Where's Lily? I need to apologize to her."
"Not right now," Sasha said, "Diana's coming back."
The rest of the day, I was trying to come up with what to tell Grace in order to attempt to get my body back. 

After school, Sasha came to me again. "Good news. I know how to get your body back," she said.
"They're gonna have to go back down to the basement, find the part that they missed and bury it with the rest of her body."
"I don't think they're going to be happy about that."
"Look. They may not be happy about going back down there but there is more good news, along with some bad news. Which do you want first?"
"Give me the good news."
"The good news is that I know where the part is."
"You do?"
"What's the bad news?"
"Remember that closet filled with all the junk?"
"Don't tell me-"
"It's in there."
"Oh my God."
"Here's some more good news: I know where in the closet it is."
"Thank god."
"More bad news is that it's in the back of the giant closet down there."
"Now you're just sending me on an emotional rollercoaster of happiness and sadness. Is there any more good or bad news?"
"Not yet."
"Okay then. As long as it isn't right now."

That night, Sasha and I went over to Grace's house again. When I was able to talk to her like the previous night, I told her what Sasha had told me. About how they would have to go back down into the basement and bury the part that was in the closet, with the rest of the body.
"Oh come on. Really? Do we really have to go back there?"
"If you want me back in my body, unfortunately, yes."
"Okay, but when are we going to do this?"
"Friday," Sasha whispered, startling us. We whipped around to see Grace's body sitting up. "At midnight. When Diana's asleep. It won't take long." 

By Friday, Grace had told Lily and Sam what they needed to do and they were ready to do it. They waited in the bathrooms like the last time and went down to the basement. The only difference was that this time, Sasha was there instead of me. 
Everything was going as planned until they opened the door to the room with the cages. There were two people standing in the middle of the room. 
"Are you ready to go yet?" a familiar voice said.
"Yeah, let's get going-" The second voice stopped talking. "Diana, we have company."
"Oh yeah. Would you look at that."

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