Chapter 15

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"Daisy," I heard a familiar voice say. It was Mr. Smit. Diana started walking toward him. "Go take a seat. I want to speak to you after class."

After the bell rang and everyone left to go to their next class, Diana went over to Smit.
"Diana, why and how are you here?" Smit said. He no longer sounded himself. He started to sound as if he were in his twenties and his voice became more scratchy.
How did he know it was her?
"You know exactly why, Jake," she said in her normal voice.
"Okay, but how?"
"They missed a piece."
"But why? You knew very well that she was supposed to be my kill."
Wait, what? His kill?
"I did it because I knew it would make you angry. How long have you been here?"
"As long as Daisy has."
"So... two years?"
"I guess."
"And you still didn't get to do it? Wow."
"I've been planning."
"It's taking you quite a while. Huh?"
"It took you less time to kidnap and kill me." 
What? Then that means Smit is... her killer... but how's that possible?
"Shut up. So how are we going to catch it?" 
"I don't know."
"Has it learned anything?"
Are they referring to me? What do they mean by "learn"? 
"I think the easiest way to do this is to bring her against her will."
"Really? How well did that work for you last time?"
"That was a hundred thirty-seven years ago."
"Well, do you have any better ideas?"
"As a matter of fact, I do."
"Well, let me hear it." 
"Okay here's what we're going to do, then."

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