Chapter 8: The Date

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"Okay, we're leaving, don't wreck the house." Mao Mao called as he and Badgerclops headed to the garage so they could take the arocycle.

"Jeeze Mittens, have a little faith." Tanya sat back, chuckle when Mao Mao glared at her.

"Adorabat." The sheriff turned to the little deputy, arms crossed and brow raised.

"I know, don't stay up past my bedtime." Adorabat gave an annoyed sigh as she flopped next to Tanya.

"Come on Mao Mao, we gotta go!" Badgerclops called, already in the garage.

"Coming!" Mao Mao started making his way downstairs when he stopped at something Adorabat said.

"Have fun in your date guys!" He could hear her and Tanya's giggles, even when he entered the garage. Mao Mao put a palm to his forehead and gave a crooked smile.

"Mao Mao?" Badgerclops was staring at the cat, wondering what could have stopped him so suddenly, "You okay?"

"Oh! Of course!" The cat was snapped out of his daze. The crooked grin now looked nervous as he mounted the arocycle, "I just realized that this is first date." The badger wore an amused expression as he got on behind the sheriff.

"Well I bet it'll be awesome." Both of them put on their helmets without a word. Mao Mao revved up the arocycle and the started off to the town.


"Muffins's Bakery?" Badgerclops spoke with curiousity as he and Mao Mao took of their helmets and dismounted the bike.

"Yeah! I thought we could get something to eat and then...see where the night takes us." Badgerclops's eyes widened in surprise, which made Mao Mao nervous.

"You mean, you willing went without a solid plan, and decided to be spontaneous?" Mao Mao's insides twisted up and shame began to fill him.

"Did you not want-"

"No no, I like it!" The sheriff relaxed as his deputy grinned, "You don't normally just go with the flow. It's kinda nice to see you change things up once in awhile." Mao Mao brightened at the badger's approval of his choice.

"Uh...after you." Mao Mao mumbled with a smile as he opened the door to the bakery.

"Thanks." Badgerclops couldn't help but blush at the treatment.

"Hello, Sheriff!" Muffins called from the register, "Is Adorabat not with you?"

"Nope, just me and Badgerclops!" The cat and badger walked up to the counter together and gazed at the baked goods on display. There were others in the bakery, but they didn't seem to take notice. Usually, the Sweetpies got nervous that they'd be arrested if the sheriff or a deputy was around, but something was different this time. They could almost feel the warmth and affection radiating off of the two heros. It made them smile.

"One blueberry jelly donut, and one strawberry jelly donut please." Badgerclops said to Muffins after a quick discussion between him and Mao Mao.

"Just a moment. Feel free to take a seat while wait." Muffins kept a curious eye on the two until they were seated. She couldn't help but wonder why the aura these two had was so different.

As she prepared the order she was working on before the two had walked in, she smiled gently when she saw how happy the two looked. She almost dropped the jelly donuts they had odered when she heard the sheriff chuckle. It wasn't his usual laugh the Sweetiepies had grown accustomed too, which was harsh and maniacal, but a soft, gentle chuckle. Muffins saw that she wasn't the only one to react this way to the chuckle, almost every Sweetiepie in her bakery was staring at the pair in shock.

It Started With A Nap (A Mao Mao x Badgerclops fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat