chapter fourteen

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I woke up early in the morning, feeling a bit better than before but I was extremely embarrassed. I had a shower and put on a classic outfit of mine. I had a light purple shirt with a dark vest with matching trousers. It was too hot to wear a blazer so I left it at my apartment. I placed my clean, sparkling glasses on my face and walked out of my apartment


I walked into the bullpen and saw everyone working. I tried to keep my head down, slowly making my way to my desk. Morgan saw me and put me in a headlock, ruffling my hair

"Good morning pretty boy."

I pushed him off me and stayed quiet. He chuckled, pulling up a chair and sitting next to me.

"Come ok boy genius, spill everything. What's happened?"

"You know Morgan, you can use my name instead of all these nicknames."

He looked shocked, clapping loudly


I grabbed his arm and pulled in to aside.

"Shhh. shut up Morgan. I will tell you when I'm ready."

I walked off but Morgan grabbed my arm and pulled me back

"Ah ah ah. You aren't going anywhere until I hear what happened. I'll even forbid you to go ok this case so spill. Did you and little Gideon hook up?!"

I gulped

"No. Keep your voice down. Ugh fine I'll tell you."

I took a deep sigh as Morgan sat down. He looked like a little kid ready to watch a movie. I began

"So the night after you all left, I had a fever dream. I was undercover in this restaurant. Things got very intimate as I was undercover with an agent. We were acting like a couple and it get pretty hot and heavy. But as things were happening, that's when I woke up. I was sweaty and it was just very confusing."

He smiled, patting me on the back

"I'm sure I can guess but now what I wanna know, who is the agent?"

I took another deep breath

"It was um. The agent wa- Ali."

He laughed loudly, I was blushing hard at this point. He pulled me into a side hug

"Well Doctor Spencer Reid had a naughty dream about the chief's daughter."

Alena whipped her head round to our direction. I ducked behind Morgan as he chuckled.

"Morgan, please don't tell anyone. I mean it."

"Only if it comes up."

He ran off before I could stop him. He was running towards the conference room as I chased him


We both ran in and saw the whole team starring at us. All the girls were laughing as Hotch and Gideon just starred at me. Morgan laughed, walking to a seat. I blushed as I walked over to a chair sipping on my coffee. JJ briefed us

"There have been three serial bombings in Ohio over the past week, the first two were set up to look like staged accidents, the third one had a survivor. She claimed that it was a robbery shooting, it isn't accidents. The girl claimed that the Unsub use to walk into public places like banks, stores etc to attract attention. The MO is sick, even for things we have seen. The bomber makes them undress and commit adultery acts in front of the others, including children. The bombs then walks out, planting the bombs and letting them go off when hes out. 50 or more died every attack. Dominant."

Gideon got up from his chair

"Wheels up in 10."

Everyone got up, Alena was one of the last people to leave. I watched her walk out, locking my eyes on the back of her head. Morgan wrapped his arm around my shoulder as I grabbed my favorite book

"Listen pretty boy. To get to your girl, you are gonna have to talk to her dad. You always need a dads blessing otherwise it is rebellious."

I rolled my eyes, walking away. We got onto the Jet, everyone seemed pretty tired. Whenever anyone is tired, the talk on the plane is slow. Alena was sat on a chair by herself, reading 'To kill a mocking bird' Gideon, Hotch, Emily and JJ were playing cards together as Derek was watching. I was just gazing out the window, drinking a coffee. Morgan decided it would be a good idea to completely embarrass me

"So Alena, what's the dating life like?"

I choked on my coffee, everyone's eyes averted to me.

"Sorry, it um. Didn't go down right."

She giggled, answering Morgan's question

"Well I don't date much mainly because if dad found out, he'd kill the boy."

Gideon added

"She's right."

"Sorry pretty boy."

I spat my coffee out again

"Sorry, I am gonna make another coffee."

I scurried off to the kitchen area as Alena furthered her explanation

"And also, I just haven't found the right guy. There have been a lot of assholes but I've never found the right guy for me."

My eyes lit up, it hurt to think she never had that guy to sweep her off her dainty little feet. I came back with another cup of coffee. I felt Alena ruffle my hair, that made me smile. I sat back down, sipping my coffee and staring out the small window beside me. We got off of the Jet and made way to the Ohio Police Department. In there, we met with the chief of police. It was a women, old. Mid fifties, it is normally unlikely to see a women as chief which I think is wrong but she seemed pretty powerful in her position. She had a police uniform on with glock 17 on her belt and a silver watch which was shiny. Too shiny to be regularly worn, my guess was that it was new. She shook everyone's hand and we set up in an empty conference room. I knocked on the door and walked in, I saw Alena was muttering to herself. I crept up behind her

"What you doing?"


She slapped me, I was completely in shock as was she

"Omg Spence. I am so sorry, you scared the crap out of me."

I rubbed my cheek, although it was already marking red. I laughed as she looked concerned

"It's ok, don't worry."

She stroked my cheek and returned to her mumbling

"What's up?"

I could always tell when she had a thought in her head.

"It's a man, all this time I thought it was a women but it's a man. A sexual sadist, mid to late twenties. Has stage fright and sees the robberies and bombing as little shows. The big finish being the bomb going off."

I smiled at her as Gideon came running in

"A bomb just went off in a bank downtown."

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