Part 2: Preview

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(A/N: Thank you to my friend @peterbanana for this much more better cover she gifted me)

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(A/N: Thank you to my friend @peterbanana for this much more better cover she gifted me)

"I'm just nervous for the trip" - said Peter

"Is just a school trip, I mean this time we are gonna enjoy it, not like the one for the Decathlon competition, I hope" - said Arash rolling his eyes

"Is just that...I want to impress someone on this trip" - said Peter

"Really?" - Asked Arash more curious now


"What is that?" - asked Arash confused

"It's like some kind of spaceship, we must go there" - said Peter


"Hey, it's fine, it's ok, I'm friend" - said the man in front of the Prince

"And who are you?" - asked Arash

"Dr. Bruce Banner" - he said introducing himself

"Oh...the Hulk" - said Arash as he put the force field down


"Haven't you ever liked someone were you feel that all will broke down once you try to even officiate it?" - asked Arash

"Yeah" - said Natasha turning to look at Bruce for a moment as he was in awe looking at Shuri work - "but we need you in top shape right now, are you in it?" - She asked

"Well...I'm better now" - said Arash

"Good, because even if the world is ending, at least you wanna put out a fight for it" - said Natasha offering a hand to help him


"Are you ok your highness?" - asked Thor looking down at the boy in his arms

" call me that...I'm Arash...I mean...Vizier" - he stutter nervous and feeling suddenly shy around the God of Thunder

"I'm gonna keep fighting, you be more careful, alright?" - said Thor with a smirk

"Sure yeah..." - said Arash clearing his throat and looking down to hide his blush making the Asgardian smirk bigger


"We need to get you out of here and back into the lab" - said Arash helping the android

"There is no time, we need to destroy the stone" - said Vision

"Wanda is not here yet" - said Arash

"She is not the only one who can do it" - stated Vision looking at the Prince


"Can I ask you a question?" - asked Arash

"Sure anything" - said Pepper

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