3.2 We Are Managing

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Part 3

Chapter 2: We Are Managing

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As days passed it became harder and harder to keep hidden what happened to Arash not only to the people on the building but now even the rest of the nation, they have a system to keep a check on Arash the people that knew about him: Ervin, Razia, Farah, Tamina, Thor and even Strange have to come and check on him for a couple of minutes been the only doctor with knowledge of what happened to the King.

The "checkups team" was even extended to some people checking on him in the distance, Peter who check on him at least 2 hours after school and while he did his homework, Eddie who checked on him 1 hour and a half after work, Tony only could do it 1 hour while Bruce could help with 2 hours and finally Shuri and T'Challa had 1 hour and half together with the second one checking on just 30 minutes.

They were basically checking on the King for at last 18 hours a day only giving him a break of 5 hours between 1:00am and 7:00am, so everybody could sleep, even though they had a special alarm set on the room by Razia that could alert her and her husband or Farah and Tamina about a change on the vitals of the King that hasn't change at all even after coming back to Persia.

Today Ervin had another meeting with the head of every department and also some Majors of the states including Valkyrie who came to represent New Asgard, even they were independent they still were a part of Persia in one way or another, things has been been crazy in the country after The Snap and the people located on Persépolis (the capital) and the cities around, some of the people that came back wanted their old homes back, while some of people that stayed were happy to go back to their old home, others were not in mood to leave their new homes.

"What about using the orphan homes that were created during The Snap?" – asked one of the people in the reunion – "after all the parents of those kids are back, so we could use the buildings to provide the new homes for those who can't go back to their old place because the new people in there don't want to move out" – he explained

"That sounds like a nice solution actually" – said Ervin – "don't think all of them would be happy about that, but at least they would have a place to live" – he said – "but what about the belongings of those people that came back?" - He asked

"We have a whole storage when we moved new people to their new homes during The Snap, each storage is labeled with the surname of the family so they can go to there and find their stuff" - explained a woman in the reunion

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