Chapter 1 : The crowning

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<Royal bedroom>

Asriel: "Chara... Chara, wake up!" The young prince gently shaked his partner, still deep asleep.

The human woke up, grumbled, and pushed away the blanket, only to see Asriel standing there:

Chara: "...Asriel? What is it...? Please... let me rest. Asara cried all night, and I've barely slept a wink..."

Asriel: "Chara! Did you forget what's happening today? Today is the day we're supposed to be crowned as future king and queen!"

Asriel: "I'm so fired up!" the goat yelled in excitement.

Chara: "..."

Asriel: " forgot about it, didn't you."

Chara suddenly jumped out of bed in moment of realization, as she thought to herself:

Chara: "Damn, the coronation! How did I manage to forget something so important!?"

With her new life and their daughter born a few years ago, Chara almost forgot about it all.
She and Asriel were about to become queen and king. Replacing their parents who were already starting to grow old, and whom for that specific reason, decided to leave the throne to the next generation. That is, in order to guarantee a peaceful life for the entire underground. Over time, Asriel and Chara became adults, got married, and even had a little girl despite their rare union. After a great length of time spent trying to find a fitting name for the child, the young parents, in the end, decided to use syllables from their names. Coined: Asara.

Chara sighed, stretched, and shaked her head, bouncing her tangled hair with it. Her appearance hasn't changed that much since her childhood, she always wore the same clothes, and also cut her brown hair regularly, to keep them at shoulder length. She had become a beautiful lady, keeping her white-nacre skin throughout her whole life, and one hell of a slender waist. Her garnet-red eyes were still the same: unusual for a human. However, Chara had already grown accustomed to it, given the fact she had possessed them since birth. After all, in the monsters' kingdom, nobody ever judged her for her eyes... Unlike the humans, who saw a demonic color in them: red bloody eyes, similar to those of the witches, even compared the Devil himself.
The human was ashamed of her pupils for an enduring time, constantly trying to put them out the others' sight, covering them with her hair. Though when the Dreemurrs adopted her, everybody accepted Chara as she was and she never felt the need to hide anymore.

Chara shook her head, fading back into reality. She then deeply stared into Asriel's eyes.

Chara: "Sorry, it's just that... Since Asara was born, my focus has never been nowhere near those formalities..."

Asriel: "Don't worry, that is perfectly understandable. You're worried about having to take mom's place, aren't you?"

Chara: "Yeah, in some way. I mean... of course, I feel really honored about being the first human ever to rule over the Underworld... but on the other side, I don't know if I would be able to assume such a high responsibility..."

Chara then stopped talking and fell back on the bed, with a worried look on her face. Asriel sat down next to her, and took her hands in his paws. The prince could feel her trembling, and realised there was surely something more than simple nervousness. He looked deeply into her eyes, which started to glow brighter and shinier... An expression Asriel perfectly knew, the one Chara always had when she was about to cry.

Asriel: "Chara... I know there is something more to it than just that. Please, talk to me."

Chara put her head on her husband's fluffy shoulders, and held onto him, as if she feared he could disappear at any moment.

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