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Introduction :

Howdy! This idea to do an introduction before my AU was suggested to me by friends (Xesterman and Blaze) on my TSOL Community server! Thanks to them by the way! I also take this opportunity to thank all the people who support me, friends, members of my two servers, family, artists, spectators, as well as all the readers of this story, without whom this AU would never have been possible.

Perhaps some of you already know what I'm going to say here, since I had already mentioned it on my server as well. It's actually about my story with the Undertale world, how I discovered it, up to the moment I wanted to create this AU. My story with Undertale is quite inseparable from some episodes of my life, so I prefer to warn you that this intro is going to be long and quite full of elements. If you're only interested in the story, you can skip this intro to go directly to the first chapter, reading this is not mandatory, it's just to give some context around the writing of this AU, and potentially teach you a bit more about myself and my motivations.

There are some passages in my life that are not very pleasing either, so if you are rather sensitive and feel uncomfortable reading, don't force yourself, okay? I'd rather you feel good, so take care of yourself!

That being said, we can now begin.

Well... I'd like to tell you some interesting facts about myself.
Well, more about my relationship with Undertale, for that matter, and the marks that this universe has left on me.

You're probably going to tell me that it's just a game, like so many others, so I wouldn't really have a reason to tell my life story.
And you'll be right. Undertale is still a game, no matter what anyone says. So what am I bothering you with, would you tell me?
Just to try and make you understand how this game also helped me feel better at a time when I needed it, how it helped me understand things, how, thanks to this universe, I was able to meet people, friends, who are really fantastic.
Anyway, the point is...

My boyfriend, first of all.
You should know that I owe a lot of my video game culture to him, and that he introduced me to most of the games I love today.
He allowed me to play them and to walk in worlds rich in emotions and sensations...

As you can imagine, Undertale was one of them. But, strangely enough, at the beginning, I found it very difficult to get close to the game and dive into it entirely.
Yes, it was for rather silly reasons, and you're entitled to make fun of it.
I just didn't like the hype that everyone was making around this game, and in my head it was just another attempt to make a buzz for something that would be forgotten in a few months.
How wrong I was then!
And I was also pretty worried about everything that was being said about the Undertale community, especially the cancer content, kikoo-sans and stuff.
I had heard that some youtubers had been harassed by "fans" for taking the wrong run, or for killing their favorite character. And I thought, "No. I don't want to be pressured like that. I like to be left alone when I'm playing."

As a result, I only knew UT by name until 2019, and ironically I did everything I could to dodge the phenomenon.
It makes me smile right now, to tell myself that in the end I fell in love with what I was running away from.

So what happened in 2019 then, what happened? Well, then... First of all, to put the context back in place, I was in pre-literature class at the time, so I was under constant pressure, from the teachers, some of whom were pushing me down, from my parents who wanted to force me to continue when I hated it, and from my classmates because some girls were harassing me (yes, harassment in higher education does exist, unfortunately....) In short, to put it simply, I was having more and more serious and recurring anxiety attacks, I had almost nobody to help me or defend myself, and I was mostly totally alone at boarding school, with teachers who weren't always patient or understanding with me.

The Soul of Love (Undertale AU) (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now