Chapter 7 : A soul of hate?

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The next day, Dr. Gaster, after having taken all his precautions, invited Queen Chara to join him during their observation of the soul fragment taken from Nemesis. In the meantime, King Asriel had taken advantage of the confrontation between the humans and Gaster to evacuate the rest of the capital, and when there wasn't a single monster left in New Home, he went down to the True Lab, along with everyone else. Dr. Gaster and Chara were equipped with gloves and special protection similar to a suit, to avoid taking too many risks.

Dr. Gaster gently grasped the dark and threatening fragment that glowed in the darkness and placed it on his experimental table. He grabbed a small metal tool and tried to push it into the fragment, oozing a few obscure drops.

Dr. Gaster: Well, let's see. This thing is undoubtedly the determination of a human soul, I'm positive about that. However, I've never seen one this is that possible? I knew that determination could take on any color... but black is extremely unusual. As for your daughter's soul, I have no database on this sinister substance.

Chara: Doctor... is this thing dangerous? I must confess... standing next to this fragment makes me uncomfortable.

Dr. Gaster: Really? How do you feel, Lady Chara?

Chara: I don't know, it's... it's... it's extremely dark... as if... as if all the joy in the world is gone... As if... everything is empty and cold.

Dr. Gaster: That's very interesting...and I have to tell you, I'm not feeling very well either. This thing... it's blacker than black, and it's really terrifying. We should hurry up and finish our tests, because I can't imagine what would happen if we were under the influence of this fragment for too long.

Dr. Gaster grabbed a tube with liquid determination from the soul of one of the monsters he had collected long ago, and poured it over the dark fragment. The fragment immediately began to absorb this determination, like a light-absorbing black hole... and it even seemed to him that the fragment had thickened slightly with this addition of determination.

Dr. Gaster: This is... more than worrisome. It seems that this soul fragment can absorb the resolve of other souls, and turn it into... this dark matter species. As if... this dark soul has the power to negate all the positive feelings contained in the determination and create nothing but chaos and destruction.

Chara: That would explain a lot of the behavior of the human who fell... wouldn't it? It would be the darkness of his soul, which would be the cause of the genocide?

Dr. Gaster: Spirits be praised! Excellent deduction, Your Majesty. This soul goes against every kind of soul that exists in this universe. As if it consists only of negative determination, unlike the others. Our souls are the culminating part of our beings, of us, monsters and humans, and they allow us to interact with the world around us, as well as endowing us with the ability to feel.

Chara: Which would mean that... this black soul contains only negative feelings. It would explain why I feel so bad about staying close. Hate, resentment, despair, revenge, murderous fury... since that thing is near me, I don't feel anything positive, despite my efforts...

Dr. Gaster: Negative feelings, exactly. This soul would be a concentrate of our darkest feelings, the ones we prefer to repress deep down inside and hide... A soul in which there's absolutely nothing to save, alas. A soul... of hate... I still don't know if it is possible that a human can be born with such a soul, or if the soul of hate is only the result of the alteration of an ordinary human soul that would have been corrupted to the extreme.

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