Chapter 2 : Such a special soul...

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It had already been a few months since the coronation of Chara and Asriel, and everything was going well for the two young kings. The Underground was full of hope and admiration. As for Asara, she was growing and gaining in grace and beauty from day to day: she had beautiful and long brown hair like her mother's that fell down her back, cute pink cheekbones, and wore a long green kimonos with golden flower patterns and the same heart medallion as her parents; but the most amazing thing was her look, pink eyes, with a color as rare and atypical as her mother's red eyes. Asara loved to dance, and her parents once gave her a red fan with black lace trim for her birthday. She loved this fan so much that she took it everywhere with her, and when she waved it, rains of magical petals materialized all around her...

The girl's parents soon suspected that Asara hid a strange and mysterious power in her soul... A being born of a human mother and a monster father could only be special! That's why her family, who wanted to know for sure, was very often in contact with Dr. Gaster to unravel the mystery of the soul of the little human... who knows what could happen? Asara's soul was a unique soul, like no other, and the monster people needed more information...

Now that the girl was old enough to experiment on her soul without any after-effects and her parents had acclimatized to their new life as kings, Asriel and Chara decided to take her to Dr. Gaster's lab in Hotland, while they left Asgore and Toriel to look after the palace in their absence. The trip to the lab was not very long, as the royal family had a special key that allowed them to use the elevators as they wished. Soon they reached the laboratory and knocked on the door. Dr. Gaster opened it for them and bowed down.

Dr. Gaster: Welcome, Your Majesties and little Princess Asara! It's a great honor to see you here, what can I do for you?

Chara: Hello, Dr. Gaster. We would need you to analyze the properties of our child's soul..." Chara began, who seemed hesitant.

Asriel: We could have done it sooner, but we were too afraid that the experiments would cause irreversible damage to Asara... if she had been too young, the anesthesia needed to manipulate her soul could have been fatal.

Gaster smiled, then walked away from the door.

Dr. Gaster: Come on, come on, I understand your're right, we can't afford to experiment on the soul of someone too young. Our little Asara is at the right age now, and all the conditions are in place to perform the manipulations safely. Would you mind getting in the elevator and waiting for me downstairs? I'll join you in a few minutes.

Asriel: Thank you so much, Dr. Gaster!

The King, Queen, and Princess walked through the laboratory hall, overflowing with Wingding notes stuck everywhere, test tubes, materials of all kinds, and piles of old books strewn with symbols the Dreemurs didn't know the meaning of. But most of the labs were in the basement, a very mysterious place where very few people were allowed in, and where access was forbidden without royal permission.

The True Lab was a pretty... dark place and contrasted with the lab upstairs where the atmosphere was less stressful. Long empty corridors were lit by the faint glow of the screens displaying texts about the results of the experiments performed by Dr. Gaster. The royal family reached a large room filled with several beds before hearing Gaster's voice.

Dr. Gaster: Ahhh, there you are, alright. I hope your little girl isn't too intimidated by this place..." said Gaster, noticing that Asara looked around anxiously as if something would suddenly appear out of the darkness.

Chara: Well... we're ready, yes. What exactly do we need to do?

Dr. Gaster: If Their Majesties will permit, I will now proceed to anaesthetize Asara, just long enough for us to extract her soul and take a closer look at it. The operation should take no more than two hours, and once Asara is awake, she will need a good night's rest to regain control of her body.

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