Chapter 5 : Death from the surface

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Empty and quiet.

This is what the Ruins had become. Empty, quiet, cold place... ...full of monster dust.

In that void where nobody came, a strange silhouette. A human, dressed in a blue sweater with pink stripes, blue shorts, and his eyes are shining like a dark fire filled with murderous intent, as they were prowling around. The blade of his knife screamed as it scraped along the walls, and a joyless smile was painted on his face...

Step by step, the monsters turned to dust, one by one, in the face of so much power. No one seemed to be able to stop the murderous fury of this vicious human... The human was looking for the monsters. The human tracked all of them, one by one, in the area, he found them, and swang their knife towards them, ending their lives only leaving piles of dust behind, without any other form of judgment... What motivated him was a mystery, why, why did he hurt and kill the monsters? Was it pure sadism? Was it personal revenge? Or simply... because it was easy to do?

The sinister human had laughed, but with a cold, sinister laugh. This unsettling little game seemed to amuse him a lot. He was fascinated by the monsters turning to dust in front of him, it was such a spectacle, he didn't want to miss it. After leaving the Ruins and walking through the icy snow of Snowdin, the mysterious killer continued on his way, killing all the monsters he encountered in his path, and leaving only a long trail of dust and despair behind him.

No matter what they did, all of them had to die for no reason. The human hated monsters. The human hated everyone. His soul, which the surviving monsters could see... had no color. It was black. Black as ashes, black as a moonless night. Black... like hate. A soul driven only by vengeance and the inextricable desire to kill again and again.

The monsters were so afraid of this human that they fled, leaving Snowdin behind, and began to alert the monsters in other areas to save their lives, they immediately warn the King and Queen of this mysterious human that arrived in Snowdin. The human helped himself to the store in Snowdin stealing everything he needed. A large wicked smile appeared on his face as he read the note placed for him, "Please don't hurt my family..."

The city was deserted, not a simple soul in sight, not in the shops or even the houses. Only one human remained, who was sowing death everywhere in his path, moving inexorably through the Underground. Monsters hid, afraid to fight him... or preferred to flee to nearby Waterfall or Hotland.

Until our sinister genocidaire arrived in Waterfall... and discovered by chance that something was hidden behind the waterfall at the entrance... ...a grave. With Mercy's body... Just what he needed, he thought to himself... if he could resurrect her with determination, she would be a perfect ally for him!

The human lifted the stone with all his strength and dug up the girl's body. She had become very pale since her death, her blond hair had turned brown from the earth, and her eyes were empty and glassy. The genocidaire suddenly grabbed his own soul with his hand, and yelled and screamed to tear out a part of it... The black soul tore into two pieces, and the human placed one in the hollow of Mercy's chest.

Incredible as it may seem, it worked... Mercy's empty eyes opened again, and she stood up suddenly with a mad, haggard, hateful look in her eyes. She turned to the human who looked at her sadistically, seeing that her plan was working wonderfully, and was ecstatic at the woman who would become her new ally.

Frisk: That's perfect. Really perfect... I didn't think my plan would work so well. Arise, my ally of destruction, together we will eradicate this useless world. However, your old name no longer suits you, now that you are under my control. From now on, your name will be Nemesis.

The newly named Nemesis rose up, and began to walk, without Frisk having to command her. After all, the control of her soul had just split between their two bodies, and the two entities shared Frisk's consciousness. Now with two of them, the monsters would be less likely to resist, and the genocide would proceed much more easily. Frisk, however, had noticed that Nemesis was still wearing a pearl bracelet on her wrist, with two names inscribed on it: Mercy... and Asara. Who was this person? Frisk didn't know... but he would certainly kill her too, once he found her. The two of them began to continue their advance into the heart of the Underground.

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