Chapter 3 : Another human?

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It had been two years since the Dreemurs discovered Asara's soul, she had begun to master her powers... No matter the conflict, when Asara arrived, she was able to resolve them simply by standing by... using the simple force of her soul, she pacified all the warring parties. These qualities made Asara very much appreciated by all monsters, as she was very gentle and kind. When she danced, everyone held their breath. We even knew that when Asara was extremely happy, she grew cute little pink flowers at every step, a sign of love. This little human was a bit of a magician, after all...

Asara had many monster friends, whom she played with very often, and no one doubted that once she became an adult, she would be a perfect queen during her reign. Asriel and Chara were always moved to see their little girl grow and blossom, despite the fears that Chara had longed towards this little human...

Chara remembered well, the day she found out she was pregnant. She had burst into tears and had worried a lot about being a bad mother. She didn't want to repeat the mistakes of her human parents... After all, Chara had been abused for a long time and had not known any love for humans... So when she found out that she was pregnant with a small, fragile human just like she once was, she decided to protect her as much as possible because she didn't want to hurt or abandon her. Asara was the human Chara loved the most in the world, the ultimate blessing born from the love between Asriel, the prince of monsters and herself, the first fallen human...

Asriel had helped Chara enormously during her pregnancy, as her wife felt terrible, and hesitated several times to abort or abandon the child during her pregnancy. But the prince of monsters had always supported her, and listened carefully to all her anguishes, and consoled her during all of her sorrows. Every day, he stayed by Chara's side, afraid of losing her and the child... Until the day Asara was born, Chara burst into tears and hugging her daughter, whispering to her that she was sorry for all her anguish and that she loved her so much... Toriel and Asgore had also been very present for the first months of the girl's life because Chara had anxiety attacks for several weeks after birth. Asriel remained permanently by her side and they entrusted the child to Mummy and Daddy Goat. Now, Chara was doing her best to take good care of her daughter because she loved her very much and her fears of being a bad mother had dissipated.

Asara had always grown up in an environment full of love and dreamed that humans and monsters could one day be reconciled... She was aware that her soul was very rare, and that she might be the key to a bright future between the two races, who knows...

One day, as the girl was walking quietly by the barrier, where there was a hole in the ceiling where the surface and the sky could be seen... she heard screams and cries not too far from her, which alerted her.
Asara came closer, intrigued. These cries for help certainly didn't come from a monster... and Asara didn't recognize the voice. She saw the body of a little girl lying on the ground, crying profusely, and covered with wounds from her fall. She had long curly blond hair, wore a lilac dress and a headband with a pink ribbon, and seemed to be terrified as her screams echoed throughout the cave. Asara, listening only to her courage, rushed towards the poor injured human and helped the girl to her feet by reaching out her hand.

Asara: Oh... did you fall from the surface...? Are you alright?

Girl: No, not at all... I'm in a lot of pain, I can't walk anymore... and yes, I just fell off the surface...

Asara: Don't worry! I'll call my parents, they'll know what to do! They're very nice people, don't worry... tell me, what's your name?

Girl: My name is Mercy...

Asara: That's a nice name, Mercy! My name is Asara, I'm the Princess of the Underground!

Asara took her new friend on her shoulder and help her walk to the palace where Asara's parents lived. Although the palace was only a few dozen meters away, walking seemed very difficult for little Mercy, who limped with every little step. What Asara had said seemed to intimidate her...

The Soul of Love (Undertale AU) (English Version)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя