Chapter 8 : Battle of a king and a queen

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Asriel and Chara had gone to the judgment hall. Neither of them wanted to fight, but only they could save the kingdom from devastation... Asriel took Chara's hand tightly in his, and the two looked at each other for reassurance. After all this, there would be only two outcomes... victory, or death.

Eventually, footsteps were heard at the end of the golden corridor, and the king and queen stood on guard. There they were... two exhausted, dusty, mad-looking humans who stood before them. Frisk had nothing more than a murderous smile that has seemed to have frozen on his face, and Nemesis remained blank without any emotion showing. At last, the two-faced humans pick who they wanted to fight the most and stood in front of them. Strangely enough, it was Frisk who first began to speak.

Frisk: Well, there you are... you thought you were clever, running away like cowards when you could have faced us much earlier and saved all those lives? The humans were right, monsters are nothing but filthy cowards!

Chara clenched her fists violently, but gentle pressure from Asriel on her wrist prevented her from screaming in the face of this arrogant kid.

Asriel: Stay calm, my Chara. Let him finish his speech.

Frisk resumed, without any consideration for those to whom he was addressing himself.

Frisk: What a joke... so you are the king and queen of this despicable world? Well, on closer inspection, you don't look that impressive. But no matter, in a few moments your remains will be lying on the ground! As for you, Chara... it's because a traitor like you, the monster race has found hope, isn't it? All because a suicidal kid decided, one day to throw herself into the crater of Mount Ebott!

Chara was fuming with anger, and her ruby eyes began to sparkle with a murderous intent, which was unnatural to her.

Chara: How dare you?! Don't you dare talk about me like that! It is the fault of humans like you if I decided to climb that mountain!

Asriel: Chara, my Chara! Don't listen to him, okay? Don't let him rattle you!

Frisk: Oh, how cute, look, the king of monsters is going to defend his wife! What are you doing, the cute little couple trying to save the world? Not a chance!

The sound of a knife from nowhere suddenly whistled near Frisk's ear, lacerated his cheek, and interrupted him. Chara stared at him with an outstretched hand and snapped her fingers to reveal a cloud of knives around her.

Chara: Just because I don't like to use my knives... doesn't mean I don't know how to use them. And even if my morals tell me that it's vile to attack a child... I can't show mercy to someone who has killed so many innocent people. So don't even expect me to feel guilty... when we go to pick up your remains from the ground. Kid, you're the real monster here. Not only are you needlessly assaulting innocent people... but you're using the remains of a human being that you're manipulating to do your dirty work. Come on, move forward, since you want to fight so badly. Take one more step... and you'll see.

Frisk: Monsters killed my ancestors a long time ago. When the war raged, your ruthless people wiped them out. Why should I spare you for this crime?

Chara seemed shocked.

Chara: That was hundreds of years ago! Is it worth killing innocent people for such ancient events? Killing us all, one by one, will not bring back your ancestors, and will never ease your vengeance!

Frisk: Anyway... I've decided, you're going to die!

Following these words, Frisk and Nemesis drew their weapons, synchronized.

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