𝟒. 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬

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Your POV

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Your POV

"Y/N...Run...Please.." Your mother spat out, gasping for air.

"Hurry! Before he returns, Please Y/N!" she said, her voice shaky, blood dripping from the corners of her mouth.


"Listen to me Y/N! Forget about me! Run, Run as far as your legs can carry you. Run until you can't breathe, until your lungs are begging for a break to receive air. Never come back; this is for your good."

"Mama, I'm not a child anymore! I'm 17, I can help. Let me jus-" I was interrupted by the sound of a bat being scrapped against a nearby wall, most likely from the other room. I look back over to my mother and her eyes are wide with terror.

"Listen to me Y/N! Quit being stubborn. Leave me already! I want you to live! I want you to survive, for me? Please... leave this place.." My mother told me in a hushed yell, stumbling over a few of her words.

"Tamayo..." I heard my father's voice eerily call out.

My mother's eyebrows furrowed, she bit her lips leaving them harshly bruised.

Her hazy lilac eyes were bloodshot and glossy. Her dark tied back hair was now disheveled and messy. She gave me one last depressing gaze before I finally made up my mind, and left her.

"Goodbye, Y/N."

"I love you, my darling."

I slow down for a moment to get one last good look at my mom.

I instantly regretted this decision.

There I saw my father, beating my mother bloody red. Her screams died out, getting quieter and quieter with each and every hit. My pupils become constricted. I was hit with a wave of sorrow and despair. Everything became fuzzy and my head began to ache, the feeling of a migraine spreading throughout my head.

I collect myself for a mere moment continue to run.

I began to speed up, my adrenaline making me feel as though I could run miles upon miles. I continue running deeper and deeper into the forest, stumbling now and then. My kimono getting ripped a bit from the sharp tree branches in my way.

I come to a halt in the deep, deep center of the forrest.

I held my head and squatted over, the pain of the headache forcing me to collapse over myself. I silently cried, my hands shaky. Everything began to go dark.

My head was getting light.

My vision was blurring.

My breathing was shortening.

My heels were aching.

My adrenaline was slowing down.

My face was becoming smothered dirt.

And like that, I finally passed out.

I wake up in a cold sweat.

I gently touch my face, feeling something wet near my eyes.

I was.. crying?

I suddenly feel nausea rise in the pit of my stomach, my hand quickly goes over my mouth, covering it. I disgustingly swallow whatever was beginning to come up.

Shinobu starts to shift in her bed, turning over to me letting out a groggy moan.

She finally opens her eyes completely and stares out at me, she realizes my face is stained with tears and my skin was pale.

"Oh my goodness, Y/N, Are you alright?" she sprinted up from her spot on the bed to come over and comfort me.

"Yes... I think so.."

"Did you have a bad dream? What happened?"

"I-- and then-- but she--..." Everything from my dream was lost in my brain, my mind was blank. As I tried to explain I forgot more and more of what happened. A disgusted look crossed my face and I looked to the side to avoid her gaze.

"It's fine if you would rather not tell me, It's completely understandable."

"No, No..it's not that..it-it's just..my brain feels fuzzy. I can't quite remember what my dream was about, I just know that it felt real...as if I was reliving an old memory."

"Ah, I see. That is unfortunate." Shinobu says, rubbing my back.

She breathes out a sharp breath of air before agilely removing herself from me and standing up. The ravenette gave me a peculiar smile and place both hands behind her back.

"I should go make something for us for breakfast. I'll be going now." She walks over to the door but then comes to a heel.

"Just letting you know, you can ask me for anything, and I mean anything. You can ask me anything too. I'd be happy to oblige.." The girl with the purple dip-dye hair commented. Her eyebrows knitted, and a small, concerned smile plastered on her face.

I only nodded.

She nodded back before heading out the door, going to go make breakfast.

I sit still in the same spot I was when I first sat up and went into deep thought.

𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 - 𝐊. 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐮 𝐱 𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now