Face Masks Will Not Turn You Into The Mask

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On behalf of cosemetic face mask lovers everywhere, I am here to say face masks are NOT dangerous. Contrary to the ideas held by the AFMC (Anti-face mask comitte), Facial masks will not turn you into Jim Carrey's iconic character, The Mask. The evidence behind this is obvious. Even if the face mask is green, it CAN be removed from your face with ease and does not result in any absurd transformation. They're not magic, it's science. Secondly, The Mask is a manifestation of Loki. I highly doubt he would take much pleasure out of moisturizing people's faces, brigtening skin, or removing their acne. Good Omens has NOT scientifically proven that supernatural beings can travel in subatomic particles, despite what you may hear. They most likely wouldn't want to and have better things to do with their infinite amount of time. If a face mask does change your skin into a different color, you are not being possessed. It is most likely an allergic reaction and an exorcism may aggravate it more. The best course of action is to do what any reasonable person would do, and NOT think that you have been overtaken by a paranormal force. I'm sure they're probably offened at the suggestion of such. Also, a face mask does not enable you to accomplish all your dreams (sadly). Unless your biggest dream is to have a face mask on, a moisturized face, or brighter skin. Then that's just sad and you need to rethink your core values. Know you matter. If you do begin a transformation that is not cosmetic related with a face mask on, seek help from your nearest branch of Ghostbusters immediately. If one is not available then sit down and question your sanity. It is also disconfirmed that face masks do not increase your chances of being threatened for murder. Who came up with that statistic in the first place? You do have a higher chance of finding yourself on a television or movie set aimed at either middle aged women or teenage girls. But I wouldn't consider that a danger, especially if you're being paid. Once again, face masks will not turn you into The Mask ans the fact I have to come out and write this is really concerning.

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