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No, really! Here I am selling this whole weirdness,kindness, acceptance thing when nobody cares! I do all this stuff thinking it's revolutionary but it's actually poorly-made junk!

The truth is...I have nothing! No talent, no intellect, no looks, not even people! It's all a ruse I looped myself into! Like weirdness, gosh weirdness! I keep preaching about how I love to be weird, but what has it actually done for me? Put people off, stopped me from opportunities, barred me from what I want in life! Heck, what I want in life isn't even realistic!

I expect my fever dreams to just come true! I think that by being on my own, I can travel back in time, live the weird way I want to, have everything be like some movie! LIFE IS NOT A MOVIE! THE MEDIA IS JUST A LIE! There are no sparkles,monsters,free mansions, friendly demons... I'm completely sick!

Where do I expect to get with "Attack of the killer corona" when everybody else has these gorgeous voiced and lyrics! My parodies are so bad they make people grimace! My voice can silence a whole room and not because they're in awe! No one ever cheers for me, no one is ever happy for me, and why would they want to! I'm just an idiot who hasn't got the memo that they suck!

Everybody wants to see me out of their life and with good reason!

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