Why My Best Friend Should Be The First On Mars

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*Dedicated to my actual best friend Abby, the artwork above is hers.

With the recent Space X and NASA launch, we have reached a new frontier in space travel. One of the goals is the same as ever, Mars. Ever since the conception of interplanetary vessels began, we have always wanted to put a human being on Mars.

Well, I have a nomination.
If someone who can actually put this into action is reading this, keep it in mind. My best friend has been with me for awhile. But our wonderful story is not why I want you to choose her to put on the surface of Mars. This is why. She believed in Mars. Not the Roman god, but the planet. 2 years ago, the two of us and another friend were talking about the great beyond. This friend said it was impossible, I wasn't sure, Abby said it was. She explained that there was once a time when people believed the moon landing was impossible. But there were always the dreamers out there. Once they saw Apollo 11, they thought that anything was possible and shot higher. Now, she continued, people think Mars is impossible, but once we get there it will prove to all the dreamers that anything is possible. She said it differently than I did, more bluntly. But I think she should be the one to prove Mars is possible and we should keep going. It's what she stands for. She has several dreams. One of them is to see the earth in space, the other is to see an explosion in space or the world end. Both of these could come true (though I'm not sure if the second one should...) by merely being in space and could cause her to inspire so many people like she did me.

When we were younger, she said she wanted to live on Mars when she got old and watch the earth end there. She always talked about how enjoyable life on the red planet would be, even though red wasn't even her favorite color.

Also, I have never known a person that embodies the Roman god of Mars more than her. For a start, in early Roman mythology, he protected cattle. She loves cows. While playing Mario Kart, we must admire all the cows in Moo Moo Meadow. She even designed her own cow costume for Cow Day at Chick-Fil-A. This person even ia painting a cow on their wall as I speak. She is also loves nature and has a deep bond with the world around her, fitting to Mars' early characteristics. She also is very into agriculture and has a plan to create corn based electricity that could save the U.S's environment.
Mars was concieved alone. Juno was the only one involved, which reflects her occasional stubborn willingness to go alone and her individuality.

Her rigid nature and desire to get into heated fights certainly draws a similarity to the god of war. She also is interested in death and frequently explores it through her art. She believes in establishment and would certainly protect the city of Rome.

So in short, someone who believes in Mars, is the embodiment of the Roman god Mars, and yes...eats Mars Bars, (I'm pretty sure they're not her favorite candy.) would be the perfect person to send to Mars. For years to come she would make people remember that if Mars is possible, anything is possible. That's exactly the kind of spirit we need up there.

Just know Abby, if you do go up there, I was always cheering you on from down here. Also, if you're going to live there, can you hook me up with discounts so I can visit you?

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