Magic 8 Balls Are Lazy

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If there is one major inconvenience in our lives today, it's that Magic 8 Balls are always stalling. Time and time again we see "Cannot predict today", "Ask me later", "Getting hazy" or some other form of being evasive. Is it really that hard to produce a 3 letter or 2 letter answer when you're not even doing the work? There's a reason why we've switched to digital methods. We're sick of waiting on you, 8 Ball! Why should we have to do something several times in a row because they don't want to give an answer? It's annoying! So much so that 8 Balls are branded as nostalgic toys. Not things regularly produced for the general public, things seasonally produced that are mainly bought by people who want a reminder of their childhood! We all know why! We're sick of waiting for our answers. This sort of sluggish behavior is unacceptable is the workplace, or should I say playplace? Our world goes at a mile a minute, we need our answers now! If you have a Magic 8 Ball, you two seriously need to work on stopping these behaviors. It's wasting others'  time and is just plain rude. Our things should bring out the best in us, there is no place for a lazy 8 Ball in a productive person's life. I encourage you all to discuss this with your 8 balls. Find out their reasons for stalling and work on accomplishing things first together. If enough people get together, we can reform these 8 Balls and start an establishment for it. But not me, because I'm too lazy to all of that.

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