NO! I'm Not Ready For The Mandalorian!

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Today, there is one thing that's on a lot of people's minds. Season 2 Of The Mandalorian. We've been waiting since 2019, but NO! I'm not ready.

When the big announcement came out, guess where I was? In a WalMart, just looking at stuff with my family.a It was like everyone's phones went off at once! Suddenly everyone is mumuring "mandalorian...", people are hurriedly walking to look at merch. I even saw this girl drag her boyfriend to look at matching baby yoda T-shirts! It was crazy! That's all people are talking about and while I'm a tiny bit excited, NO I'M NOT READY!  I don't want to watch it ASAP, we have no need considering we're subscribed to Disney+! It's not like when something came out on cable! Honestly, while I really liked The Mandalorian, Season 2 is taking it in a new direction that could end up being less original.

As a kid, I was obsessed with Star Wars. It was all I thought about, dreamed about, I watched every movie on repeat and to this day I'm not sure that I fully understood them. It's pretty awkward for me to go back to Star Wars, especially as the fan base can be really...aggressive. The only new Star Wars movie I've watched is Rogue One. I still have to see the new trilogy! What drew me to The Mandalorian was the new perspective. A plot that doesn't revolve around the Jedi or interplanetary wars that crowded my imagination as a kid. The Child is a force being, there's a difference. But ever since the last episode, we know that the plot is most likely going right back to that well-beaten track. There's nothing wrong with that, there's also a possibility that it won't. I'm excited to see this and especially live-action Ahsoka. But I will be disappointed if it reverts right back to the main story. Almost every Star Wars show does! The main story is expanding itself to death, yet producing good content so it ensures more expansion.

Also, as soon as the Jedi get involved, the fans blow up! Suddenly, you've got all these generational fan debates, arguments, questions,claims... and I don't want to hear it! While I love hearing debates,criticism,theories, and such, Star Wars people are well-known for going nuts. I was once asked to host a fandom trivia night on May the 4th. I was given the questions and everything was fine until we got to the Star Wars part. People were getting aggressive. Yelling,putting others down, spewing rapid fire cannon evidence to defend themselves. Even the moderator got defensive and all the insults and anger suddenly got turned to me. I didn't have to host it and those weren't even my questions they were arguing over. There weren't any prizes! What were they doing this for? 7 questions in, the category had to be removed because the people were too wild! I later got an apology from the moderator after realizing that the given answers were true and my friends there said I put up with "almost verbal abuse". It certainly felt like that and the whole time I was verging on having a mental breakdown. I cried so much after that, I honestly never want to do it again, and I was the host! I understand not all Star Wars fans are like these. But triggered fans are never fun to deal with. Anyways, with the U.S election coming up,another mass feud is the one thing we don't need!

Disney is very clever. The Madalorian coming out late October, when people start holiday shopping and buying Halloween costumes...see the connection? This year people can actually get those Baby Yoda toys and merch galore! By December (Chanukah/Hannukah and Christmas are intersecting this year) it will be EVERYWHERE! I swear, if I have to watch a Ryan video on The Mandalorian, I'm done. While the show isn't a sales pitch itself, the stuff will be everywhere! I don't have a problem with this, many companies make similar moves. But don't be surprised if Tickle-Me-Elmo gets replaced with thousands upon thousands of "Baby Yodas".

Most likely, 90-80% of people planning to watch The Mandalorian have not figured out their Great Pumpkin viewing plans. I doubt that reason is because they already have Apple TV. The Great Pumpkin has already been proven therapeutic and is definitely an essential part of Halloween. Unlike you people obsessing over The Mandalorian, I am doing my research to uphold the most relieving and stress-reducing part of Halloween in a efficient and affordable way that dies not involve giving my money to insincere pumpkin patches called "Apple TV". You're telling me that watching the galaxy's most epic surrogate father is more important than hearing the contents of Charlie Brown's trick-or-treat bag? The audacity!

The Great Pumpkin can only be watched once a year. You can watch Mando and Co. any season without scrutiny! Just don't bring up that Holiday Special...everyone knows it was a mistake. So when my dad and brother come bounding home, asking me if I'm ready to watch, the answer is no. I'll be watching "Scaredy Cats" and other Halloween essentials as I complete my search for The Great Pumpkin and a good costume. Maybe I'll watch something about a man and his Delorean, but Mando can wait till after Halloween. And you bet he isn't ruining my Thanksgiving parade!

While I know it's some excitement and happiness in the major downer of 2020, I'm more excited to steal...I mean take free bags of candy! Because my city's guidelines have decided bags only, I'll be getting more candy than ever! So have your Mandalorian if you must, but I'll be saying NO until further notice.

*Goes on Disney+ and watches episode 1

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