Chapter 10: Stimulating Intel

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When I exit the interrogation room, Kurapika follows while throwing me a disgusted glare. "I can't believe you let that monster touch you."

"Believe it or not, Uvo can be surprisingly tender," I respond.

His brows furrow. "You're just as crazy as he is."

I chuckle. "What are you 16? 17? If you stay in this world long enough you'll understand how enemies can be friends, friends can be enemies. In between that being lovers isn't as far-fetched as you think."

"You and I are not the same," he says sharply.

I smile as he walks away. When I was his age I was altruistic and shiny and new too. Everything was so black and white. Being dark and brooding was second nature. Everyone was either good or evil. Life became a lot easier when I just let people be what they are. It was easier to get I wanted and occasionally give other people what they wanted too.

"So?" Dalzollene says behind me.

I stare in the direction Kurapika walked off. "The Shadow Beasts took the treasure before the auction even started. The Phantom Troupe likely tortured one of them for the treasure's location."

Dalzollene sighs. "Well, the auction will still be rescheduled. There's more treasure. Hopefully the troupe isn't aware of that."

If they knew once, they'll know again. But I decide not to say anything for risk he'll put me in charge of security. I don't feel like being held responsible for hundreds of people dying. And I don't fight losing battles. I look into the living room and see the other guards sitting and resting. The phantom troupe is likely on their way now so it'd be safer for everyone to get out of the building, but one has to stay behind. It'll probably be Dalzollene. Wish he didn't have to go, but at least everyone else will be safe...and my check's been cleared. "You called community to get Uvogin?"

"I'm about to," he says.

"You should send everyone else home to get some rest. It's been a long night."

Dalzollene nods. "That'll mean you too."

"Thanks, but I don't have a bedtime."

He smirks. "Guess the freaks gotta come out at night."

"That we do."

I walk down the hall and see Kurapika on his phone, his eyes widen at whatever message he's reading. Since I'm a nosy bitch I look at the message out of the corner of my eye. Meet as promised at the agreed upon place. ️  He sighs and looks up at me. "What do you want?"

"Is everything okay?" I ask

He looks back down. "Everything's fine. I have somewhere to go."

"This time of night? Alone?" I question.

Kurapika purses his lips. "I'm not a child."

"Doesn't mean you don't need back up, especially after what's taken place tonight."

"I don't need your help."

Honestly I know he doesn't, but I'm bored and want to stretch my legs. "Look either I go with you knowingly, or I go stealth mode. I'd prefer the first option. Plus you're not strong enough to stop me. Take the help, kid, and be glad somebody cares enough to watch your back."

He looks at me begrudgingly. "Fine."

"Who are you going to meet?" I ask as we leave the building.

"His name's Hisoka Morow. He's a sociopath I met during our hunter exam. We fought him at the Phantom Troupe hideout earlier, but I don't think he knew it was me. He might have information that could help me."

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