2 | james

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James reached for his backpack before hearing his mom from the kitchen. "don't forget to ask about the trip" James sigh. as if, it was a trip.

James's grades are good. he didn't need this extra school thing, but he saw it as an opportunity to get some alone time. well, except for the fact that he would be sharing cabin with two other people.

they did this one a year. probably a way to use the pretty much dead camping located just behind their school. well alright, there is a tiny forest looking thing between the school and the camping, probably a seven minute walk through it. but most people find the placing of the camp pretty distracting. maybe it was more visitors in the summer but James somehow doubted that.

He went on his already unlocked bicycle and started his little cycling trip to school.

when he arrived at school it was pretty much empty, except for a couple teachers and some kids studying in the middle of the corridors. James was used to that, and he loved the comfortable silence.

It was easier to get into his locker as well. no punching teenagers and no slamming lockers, which by the way makes James wish he was deaf.

so James just sat down in the classroom where his first period would take place. there was one kid sat in the back. James reckoned his name was Vincent, but he wasn't sure. Vincent, or whatever his name is, doesn't talk too much and has also not been in James's English class for too long. none other of his classes either to be clear.

James sat there for twenty minutes before the students started dropping in.

In the beginning of the year he was always nervous when it came to place seatings. his best friend Alfred moved school to the city next to them, so James never had anybody to sit by. not that he was sad he didn't have anybody to talk to in his English periods but more just the anxiety that followed with who would be taking the seat next to him today.

but for the past month, Alex Elmslie had been sitting next to him. they spoke temporarily and could share a good laugh with each other at times.

he smiled at James as he entered the classroom. this time they sat in the middle of the room. James could always decide where they would sit since he was so early, and to James this is the best seating. it's right Infront of the board but not right in their teachers face. James could clearly see over the head of whoever was seated in front of them, unlike Alex. they would fix that by having Alex coping James's notes. Alex said that was easier for his either way. he didn't like turning his head so much, it was giving him a headache.

"James, you applied for the cabin studying thing right?" James had just left the classroom when the principal chased after him. "um, yes. why you asking?"

she told him that they needed somebody to look after the whole camping area. They needed somebody to lock and unlock the doors and to see so nobody threw a party. James was not the only one who was going to be working as an inside eye for the school. there was some kid called Fraser and another one, Mia. They got paid, which to James was weird. they didn't need to pay any extra to live in a cabin, and to get free use of schoolbooks and work supplies. but then the also got paid? it was probably so that they would be loyal to the coast or something.

the principal gave him akey and then she scooted off. 

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