8 | stephen

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Stephen had been sitting on the toilet for fifteen minutes.

he finished his business in the toilet about ten minutes ago. there was no paper the the bathroom stall he chose.

Stephen decided to text will. Will answered within a minute.

what's up?

i need paper

toilet paper

toilet by lockers?


be there soon x

thanks g<3

Stephen smiled. Will was a good friend. though he mentally hit himself for waiting ten minutes to text him.

the bathroom door opened. "hey mate." Will said, mostly to check with stall Stephen was in. "you alone in there?" Stephen unlocked the door. he got a "yes" as an answer so he opoened the stalldoor to face Will. Will laughed lightly and tossed him some paper. "thank you love" Stephen said as he caugh he toilet paper


needed a Stephen chapter so a bit of a shit post this.

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