9: You sing amazing!

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I paused for a moment, forgetting  how to breathe. I mean---this boy had a sweet voice but did he really  sing that well. I mean--- did I even hear it right?

That--that voice!!!

If he possessed a voice like that in him, I wanted to hear it in so many ways. Magical and heavenly it seemed.

I felt adrenaline  rush through my arteries. My guts felt like, half of it disappeared, I felt like I was floating, light.

Jungkook  gave me strange feelings, but I didn't know  what  they were. Weird but warm sensations. He felt so right.

You : What are you still doing in my house?

His smile faltered and he paled out.

Jungkook  :  I'm sorry yn. I didn't have any intention  to touch you, I can't think of doing such heinous and horrid things to u, I was just teasing you and I didn't think you would kick me out for that. But if you still  want it, I'll go.

I chuckled  at his seriousness. It's not like I didn't like it when he teased me. I--I mean I didn't... yea!!!

You :  You shouldn't  be in my house but around the world having  your own concerts, like stfu, you thought  I'd kick u out! You have a damn fine  voice, make use of that. You should  be on top Grammy charts now!!

Jungkook  :  O-oh.You sorta scared me but thanks tho.

You: Did you  take special training for singing? Have you wrote any songs yet? Do like singing?

Jungkook  :  Yes and yes and yes.

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