12: The tale of the reality.

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Unknown pov:

I held my navy ,dress pulling it a bit high so my heels don't touch them and with a mocking bow of my head towards the unwanted guests, I start off my way towards the special room, I knew was ready.

My heels clicked on the ground, as I brought my hand to my chocolate coloured hair and brush the straight locks off my shoulder, to my back.

I felt eyes on me as people moved out of my way. I looked around to see groups of men, their eyes on my bare back,on the sway of my hips, and on my collarbones where a simple silver chain with a small navy blue locket hanging on the center of it, rested.

It looked beautiful resting on my glowing, cream skin.I knew.

I held my chin high looking forward, stepping up the first wide stair.

Not forgetting my etiquettes, I turned back towards the grand ball where I found all eyes on me.

I raised my glass wine, and flashed a practiced smile. Before anyone could respond, I turned my back to them and made my way up the stairs.

I walked up to the room, with my assistant trailing behind me. My ears perked up to the sound of her heels clicking hastily against the floors.

I stopped in my footsteps and turned. She stopped behind me as well.

I frowned, looking at her, wearing the same black-velveted dress that came down till her mid-thighs and with two straps joining at the back of her neck as the one strap came down her bare back and joined with the rest of her dress, right at her hips. I chose this for her and it fitted her perfectly.My amazing choice.

She wore a pair of silver, multi-strapped heels and had her peach hair up in a messy bun.

Her grey-lensed eyes were shadowed in a brownish smoky eye and winged narrowly.

Her pale skin glowed and was contoured perfectly.

Her lips were lined and shaded in a dark nude matt and glossed into perfection.

I brought my manicured fingers upto her face pushing a thin strand of hair coming in her concerned, insecure eyes.

I met her eyes.

Me : Remember what I told you in the morning?

I watched as her eyes dawned into realization.

I took the time to have another glimpse at her body I hadn't looked at the whole party.

Perfect. That is how I wanted her to be. Solar was a beautiful girl and had to be taught how to bring herself into perfection.

I looked back at her and saw her smile surely and her eyes showed nothing but confidence just how I wanted.

Solar : No matter what flaw you're pointed out to, you're eyes remain nothing but confident.

She repeated, exactly what I had told her this morning.
I smiled.

Me : Just how you remember that, remember what I tell you next.
I say as I fix the strap of her dress into the right place.

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