13: bAbE!

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Your pov:
Opening  the door,my man stood right  in front of me.

My man with glowing cheeks, hair dyed bright purple with streaks of violet styled to the side as a thin black bandana was tied around his forehead.

Holy  forehead  exposed.

He stood  with white converses on his feet, a pair of over-washed  denim jeans hugged his long thin legs and he wore a simple white shirt, with the sleeves rolled up till his elbows.

He gave me a serious  gaze, that he found sexy was what he said before, and posed fancily  for me.

I gave him a smug look.

You  : Worldwide sexy guy today huh?

Him :  YES! That's your brother, Seokjin!

You  :  Oppa geez, stop being so loud, the neighbors  are gonna be annoyed.

Seokjin : The society should celebrate Mr.Worldwide Handsome  is here.

He said in his normal tone as he walked in and opened his converses and put on his flip-flops.

I noticed two bags of groceries, he put down on the table. That means, he will cook today.

Gosh, his food is mouth-watering.

Yes I took after my brother, very good and confident at cooking.

Seokjin, my step-brother, is always at my home on some special occasion, or just when his heart tells him to see me.
And his heart tells him that every Monday, or so he says.

While I'm the daughter  of both my mom and dad who had a marriage  of 10 years, until my mother died when I was 2 so I don't  really  remember  anything  but I do miss her presence, Seokjin  is the son of  my  dad with a woman he loved right before he met mother.

I was only informed that the woman was divorced, when my dad gave her the shoulder to cry on, traveled  with  her, took her to his work, gave her a respectable position in his business and nothing  mattered more than each other.
Right when she got pregnant  with Seokjin, my dad met mother  and fell for how she gave him the missing  care he needed. He cared for everyone but he wasn't given a special care, not even from Seokjin ' s mother. She loved him though.Both my mother and Seokjin's  mother gave him the permission  to have his choice and no one would  say anything.

My dad would  choose my mother in a heartbeat  only if he didn't  have a child in another woman's  womb.
Seokjin's  mother, an angel in disguise, saw something  in dad's  eyes except love that she did not see when he looked at her. She saw the reason why my dad fell for my mother, which was one thing she herself  lacked in giving  him.

So she took the decision  for him and took an oath that she would  go away with Seokjin  and never  interfere back in their life.Their things ended on a good note and good wishes.

However, despite all the history my mother loved her for her sacrifices  and kindness.

Dad and mom got married and had me after 8 years, mom died 2 years later. Dad left.

Yes he left. Left me.

Not right after Mom died, 4 years later when I was 6.

He left me with Seokjin.
Seokjin  looked up to him for how responsible he was.

But I never knew why he left me.
Not a note, not a sign, not a trace, nothing that could  answer my questions.

He  would send Seokjin  money every  month and our housekeeper, my mom's  best friend  Aunt  Shin took care of our food.

Seokjin  would hand over half the money to her and did his best to take care of my needs with the other half and Aunt Shin made sure of our school fees and food with the money.

But the sorrow and misery wasn't mine only.
Seokjin had only one person  in his world. His mother.

But when I got older, I was informed  by Seokjin about his mother, who had left with my father into the unknown.
Handing  him the responsibility  of a child when  he was a child himself.

The only thing they told him before leaving  was to never let anything  happen  to me, and that they were leaving  because we would not be able to handle all the sorrow and then the  blended mess together. It would create rifts, if they tried to form a family.

They both needed each other and loved their childs  a lot. But they were being a bit to considerate by  worrying  about their children breaking  down because of a blended family.

That is from when we both started doing everything  we could by ourselves  and grew up depending  on no one but ourselves.

And the responsibility  Seokjin  has been carrying  on his shoulder, me, am trying  my best to give him the support  he is giving  me back.

He has been fulfilling  this responsibility  till this day.
Despite being blended, we two are more of families  to each other than any of our family members.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Seokjin  asked me if I'm having  meals properly.

You  :  Yea yea I cooked and ate properly.Good thing you  got groceries  I almost  ran out of all of them.

You  :  But Jin I gotta admit you  look hot with that gorgeous  hair.

Seokjin : OH WOW!!! As if I haven't married myself  in awe  already, genius!

He said with a look as if I didn't  compliment  him.

He towered me with his height and ruffled my hair before leaning to my eye level,squinting  his eyes and sassily  said.

Seokjin : Grow your brain cells sissy.

He turned around and started unpacking  groceries  but moved back to me again.

Seokjin  : Also! CALL ME OPPA BRAT!

You  :  Geez oppa!!!!Chill!

Jungkook  suddenly  called out to me as I turned towards his voice, he ran to the room, squeezing the tube of the exfoliating  gel.

Jungkook  :  YN! Where is the other tube of this gel? It works fantastic on my skin!

He said with a pout on his face.



My eardrums still work?

I slowly turned to jungkook, as a slow smirk made its way to his lips.

Oh man holy shit.

Jungkook  :  bAbE!

I closed my eyes.
This will be hard to explain.

Look who just arrived.

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