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jungkook takes small sips out of his coffee every now and then, not taking his eyes away from the deep stare jimins mom was giving him. he was ready for the challenge. he felt jimins eyes on him, full of worry, he wanted to reassure him right there and then that he would never leave him and kiss him senseless but that wouldn't be the best in front of the mother he just met now would it.

"jeon jungkook"

"yes mrs park"

"why is it that you like my son, i mean you're a famous star and out of all of your fans you decided to fall for my jimin? what do you want from him."

"i want his love. initially i thought being friends with him would be the best decision. it's hard to trust fans, some would release information, treat you like you're not even a human because you're an idol. you can't even leave your house without every step you take being watch. but jimin? he understood. he treated me as if i was a normal person, as if i was just another human who had talent. i love it. i love him. i honestly don't know what i'd do without him, he makes me feel like i've got another purpose, not just to entertain the world and my fans, but to live my life and... and to keep my boyfriend happy for the rest of his life"

"jungkook.." jimin breathed out.

jungkooks attention diverted from jimins baffled looking mother to his boyfriend, smiling ever so lovingly before saying something he'd meant to express the moment they had met.
"i love you jimin"

"i love you jungkook"

jimins mom eyes widened at jungkooks heartfelt speech he let free as he fixated his eyes on his coffee cup as picked up his small spoon to stir through it repeatedly. he felt a small familiar warmth trap his hands. it was jimin. their fingers intertwined as the elder gave jungkook a small kiss on the cheek. electricity shot through the couples body. it was only a small action but both knew exactly what it meant. we're forever.

"mom? i really really love jungkook, he means the world to me, you've always said you wanted me happy, you've wanted the best for me.. well this is the best, please just don't make it hard for him"

silence fell over the three as jimins mom refused to speak another word. eventually, she stood up, sending a striking glare at the two boys, gripping onto each other's hands tightly under the table. the cafe they were in, filter cafe, had a small bell attached onto the door, sending out a small ring throughout the store each time anyone would enter or exit. there it was again, the classic ringing of the filter cafe as jimins mom left the cafe, not speaking one word to jimin and jungkook after what she had just witnessed.

thick asses

parkmina: so how'd it go jiminie?

parkjimin: she just.. walked out..

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