Just a trouble

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Aditya POV

"  I think Jessie has the answer and knows the answer for your question. Why don't you just ask her ? Why? Will you believe me , if I said so?" . Those words of Pari is echoing in my mind. That eyes which were fighting back with tears .

Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! God! Then I called Joseph to me and asked " Have you searched the information? ".. Then Joseph answered " Sir, I checked Pari Madam's call history and she had not called anyone except Mrs. Damien and Mr. Siddharth , her friend. And I checked whether the call logs were anyhow deleted but no it wasn't too. And the other thing is sir, Pari Madam had not got in conversation with anyone other than Mr. Louis , Jessie Madam and you Sir. So there is some sought of doubt in the yesterday's scene." ..

Then I spoke "What does this mean? Is there any possibility that Pari is not involved in it? But yeaterday I saw her having the knife in her hands and Jessie was screaming for help" in a confused tone.

Then I stood up and came to Pari's room. She was sleeping hugging a pillow. How can she sleep like that without any problem?! Does that mean she really is the culprit?! Then I saw a bottle in her dressing table and in it there were sleeping pills. What the fuck! Did she take them? ..

I soon walked to her and shook her shoulder but she gave no response. She was in deep sleep!! Huhhhhh..... Her wrist were having some scrapes and reddened around her wrists. Then I took her hand in mine and they were like scratched from a rope or something. In the police station they have handcuffs but they don't give these sought of scratches.

Then I soon looked at her ankles while moving the blankets away. But her ankles were also reddened but no scratches and then I saw blood in the sheets where her foot was and I looked at the foot palm and saw the it was wounded. Shit!! How did this happened? It was looking something like a hole . Did she step on a nail? I soon called Joseph and got a doctor. The doctor examined her foot and gave her two injections where the wound was and with that Pari shifted uncomfortably or maybe from pain. Then doctor gave some medicine too and cleaned the wound. Both her foot palms were red and qhen I looked at the ground some blood patches were from the door. Did she walk barefoot? Shit!!

It made her pained. What am I gonna do with you Pari? Why did you plan to kill Jessie just to marry me for money??!!!

I really missed her smile which she had that day that we both went out. The Pari girl whom I know could not never kill a person. But how and why?? You?

I then took a phone and on it. It had no passwords or anything. So she doesn't have anything to hide? Then I went to the gallery. There were many photos of both of us which we took on that day we went out amd also some photos of our wedding too. There were some photos where she was with Sid and Anaya too. Also some with old people and also with many small kids too. In them she had some photos with a boy almost her age when she was about 15 , 16. They were both hugging in some and in some the boy was having Pari on his back. Who is he? Did she have a boyfriend in her college time? Well , I don't care .but Pari is having a big bright smile in every photo. And there was another photo which I liked of her the most. It was like a photo taken by another person. But there she was looking so yes were looking so wow maybe she was in her col beautiful.Her lege those days.

I soon shared that photo into my phone and delete the notification stating that she have a shared a photo not wanting her to find out.

I didn't have any want to check her call logs or any messages. It didn't give me any want to do that. But I felt to check in what name she saved my name so I just went to her contacts and searched for my number. Then I found it. She had saved it as " My Hope".. I just didn't take my eyes off it for some time. Does she really have me as her hope? Then what am I doing?

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