Chapter 19: Recovery

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Outh'n's waking was slow and painful. The realm of oblivion beckoned him to sink back into sleep, whispering promises of freedom from the hurt. He groaned.

"He wakes," a crackling voice murmured somewhere behind his head. "Now we will see how much damage was done."

A rough shove against his shoulder set him howling in anger and fear. He wanted to curl into a ball and hide but any movement sent the fire of the suns racing through his muscles. He whined, deep in his throat as Oowah might have done. Words refused to form as pain crowded out everything in its mad rush to consume him.

"Calm down, Outh'n Durr," the voice like wind-rifled leaves filled his mind, calming the wild storm stirred up by his injuries. "The healer and I will do what we can for you. Quiet your mind by focusing on your purpose."

Whip like vines wrapped Outh'n's torso and both of his legs. Tiny pins pricked his skin as Edrea sought the root of the problem. "I am sorry, Outh'n Durr, that you ventured within reach of the kre'li. He wanders wherever he will. The paths are clearly marked for reasons such as this."

Outh'n tried to nod, tried to think of his ankles where the creature had grabbed for him first. Tried to think of where the second attack of those fierce claws had landed.

"Do not exert yourself," Edrea's voice soothed as her inspection continued. "I have discovered what I needed to know. You will soon sleep. When you wake again, the pain will have faded somewhat."

He finally managed coherent thought. "Thank you, Edrea, but why would you do this for me?"

"Because Outh'n Durr," she immediately responded with humor in her tone, "you have heart for one so heavily burdened with trials. You are a fighter, a strong fighter. The inhabitants of Yacan need you." There was a short pause and she added, "I need warriors like you, Outh'n. Please do not put yourself in danger needlessly."

He felt her concern, deep within his mind, and wondered at it.

"Be calm now. It will sting and though it seems like forever, the cure will be administered in moments."

Without any warning, white-hot fire filled every part of him, radiated from every pore. He cried out before the blackness claimed him once more.


When next he woke, it was to pounding. He'd thought at first that it was his head that ached. It took quite some time to realize he was in his own hammock and someone was pounding on his door.

"I'm coming, gurba," Eiva groused from his side. "Hold it down for the injured." Why was she here?

"Ah, Iteiki Kol," her voice switched immediately, oozing charm. Outh'n frowned and tried to rise. His muscles refused to cooperate. "What brings you here on this fine evening?"

"How is he?" Kol's gruff tone were at odds with his concern.

"Always to the point, eiya?" Eiva chuckled. The velvety tones reminded him of Alanyn's laughter, even though they were so different.

"Enough, Eiva Di'Amo," Kol snapped. "I asked you a question."

"Yes, Iteiki Kol Udota," she hissed back at him. In a smoother, though still formal tone, she added, "Outh'n Durr is recovering and has just woken up." She waved a hand toward his hammock. "As you can see, I assume?"

Kol snorted in annoyance and pushed past her. "Outh'n? Is she right? Are you well?"

Outh'n stared at his sparring partner and teacher. In a hoarse voice he hardly recognized, he answered, "She's not lying to you. I hurt but it's better than it was before."

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