Chapter 6

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Anna woke when the sun rose high enough to breach the parted curtains. She blinked herself awake, and sat up in the bed. She thought it was strange the sun woke her up. She never left her curtains open, because she liked sleeping in. Then she realized that this wasn't her room. This was Elsa's room, but where was Elsa? And why did she wake up in her sister's bed? Anna jumped up and scanned the room. There were things strewn about the floor as if Elsa had left in a hurry. Finally she found her clothes on the ground near the bed. She dressed herself quickly, then sat in front of her sisters mirror to see how bad her bed head was. She brushed through her stubborn tangled locks, as she thought about what happened the night before. Did she have too much wine at the festival? That didn't make sense it was like the whole night was blocked out. As she went to tie her hair behind her head she noticed something. "Is that a hickey!?!?" She shouted at her own reflection. "What's a hickey? It sounds fun can I have one?" To Anna's surprise and displeasure she watched through the mirror as Olaf casually entered the room at exactly the wrong time. She blushed and covered her mouth with both her hands. Why did she have such a big mouth? It didn't matter though, she needed to figure out what was happening. "Olaf have you seen Elsa?" "Yeah why?" "I can't remember how I got here. I need to talk to her." "Oh, you should have said something sooner. She is gone now." "Where did she go!" Anna caught herself raising her voice. "I need to talk to her immediately Olaf, it is really important." "I saw her speaking to the castellan earlier. She sounded really serious. She left and commanded she not be followed." "We have to go after her Olaf! Go find Kristoff and Sven." "Oh boy we're going on another adventure to save Elsa aren't we?" But before he got a response Anna sprinted out of the room. She rushed to dress herself in a more appropriate apparel. As she struggled with the clothing she wrestled with her empty memories. She felt like something was very wrong. She gathered a bag, and stuffed it full of anything she thought she might need. She didn't know where she was going, just that time was not on her side. On queue as she finished her preparations Kristoff rounded the corner and met her in front of her room. "Anna what's wrong?" Kristoff what do you remember about last night?" "Last night? What are you wearing? Are you going somewhere?" "Elsa is gone. She left the castle and I know she's in trouble. I need your help." Kristoff lowered his eye brows to take on a serious expression. "Okay. Sven and Olaf are right outside." And with that Anna, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf raced out of Arendelle. The sun was higher in the sky now. With their backs to the North gate, the party flew up the main trail. Anna and Kristoff on horses, with Olaf tailing behind clinging to Sven's back for dear life. Eventually they had to slow to rest. Kristoff could see the determination in Anna's face. They hadn't spoken much since they started their journey, and he didn't even know where they were going. "Alright Anna it's time we get back on the same page here. Why didn't we rally a search party? Are you going to make a habit out of personally rescuing your sister?" "I have to have answers. Something is really wrong, and I have to be the one to figure this out. She's my sister, Kristoff." "Okay okay. I better be getting a raise for this. Can you at least tell me where we are going?" "Well... Umm actually I don't have any idea..." Anna's voice began to sound less confident. Olaf chimed in with a "yay! We don't know where we're going." "Quiet Olaf." Anna and Kristoff said in unison over their shoulders." "Let's go see my family. Pabbie might have a lead. I have a feeling this might have to do with that gypsy I told you to bring Elsa to." "Wait. What?" Anna sounded confused. "You don't remember? The festival, the gypsy? How about ditching me last night after you agreed we would watch the stars by the Fjords?" Kristoff said sarcastically. "Did something about last night seem... I don't know like magical to you?" Anna questioned. "Well, I was hoping it would but... Wait you really don't remember. We better get to the hot springs fast. Come on Sven! I'll take the lead."

The Source of Mana (T)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora