Chapter 19

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It was early afternoon the next day when the party arrived back in Arendelle. To Elsa's surprise no one was shocked to see them. It was all business as usual. It seemed that Jace had already been working on a cover up in the minds of the people. She wasn't sure how she felt about that after being a victim of his intrusive magic. Then again she couldn't think of any other options, after all how could she explain the events that occurred. It was much easier if nobody remembered her disappearance, especially those who were involved. Of course Anna was aware of the events now, but she seemed to be fine with everything. It made Elsa's heart flutter to think that Anna could feel even a portion of the love that she had for her. It wasn't that easy though. Elsa knew what needed to be done, so by the time they made it into the castle she declared that their would be a grand feast to celebrate their new friends. The castle was in an uproar after that. Servants scattered around busily to get the dining hall in order. Jace and Lilliana entertained the curious commoners who came to inspect what was going on. Jace awed them by guessing numbers and things he wouldn't know without the aid of magic, and Lilliana enticed them with eerily accurate fortune tellings. Anna reunited with Kristoff for a while. They embraced warmly, and Anna told him all about the strange outsiders that accompanied them. It was nice to see a smile on Lilliana's face for the first time in forever. She looked younger now, she was beautiful. Elsa caught up with Anna in the study after awhile of merrymaking. The two sisters hugged each other with a fierce intensity, and followed up with their Eskimo kiss. Elsa felt her heart skip a beat. This wouldn't be easy. "We have to talk Anna." "I know. Things are finally working out, but where do we go from here?" Anna's voice broke with worry. Clearly this issue had been in the back of both of their heads. "I can't lose you, not ever... But Arendelle needs an heir." She took a deep breath and continued in a whisper, "I don't intend to marry, and one day that means that you will be queen. When that time comes you will need to perform in a way that I can't." "Okay, but where does that leave us? I don't want you to shut me out again, not when we have all of this." Anna's concentration broke as Jace walked into the room. "I'm sorry for the intrusion. I must thank you both for the hospitality, especially after everything we put you through. I can make it up to you though. I could make it so you could both be together forever. You could leave Arendelle and start a new life, or you could remain and I could use the lotus to change history, so that your... Situation would be more accepted. It's up to you, your Majesty." Elsa paused for a brief moment, the thought of that was too good to be true, and she knew it was. They both had a duty. It just couldn't be like that, and it made her want to weep into Anna's arms. "We have a duty here. We aren't like you Jace. We can't travel to New and exciting places on a whim. In fact I think I've had enough of adventuring for one life time. The fact is I will remain Queen, and Anna will take my place and continue our royal ancestry into the next generation." Anna interrupted her "yes that's what needs to be done for the good of Arendelle, but what about us? Elsa can you really live like that, without being with me?" Elsa's heart sank once again. Was their no end to her troubles, what could be done? Anna continued this time, "what if we had some kind of arrangement? Like..." She pondered the idea as it came into her head. "Like?" Elsa considered against her better judgement. "Like never in the castle, or you know like a special place just for us, you know what I mean." Yeah that made sense, but... "I can't risk all of Arendelle for my own selfish purposes, Anna I'm sorry." Jace interceded this time, "what about a fail safe. I could leave the lotus with you, if something were to ever compromise your- arrangement you could summon me here, and I could set things right. I've got enough mana from the lotus already to get Lilliana and I home." Elsa considered this. "Well I suppose that could work, as long as no one ever knows and our legacy can continue untainted." "Then it's done!" Anna yelped out and jumped up and down slightly. "I guess we can talk more by ourselves later, but for now we have a banquet to attend." Elsa said. "Let me use my magic to spruce up that dress of yours." Their was a lavish meal. All of the castle was bustling as everyone indulged in the food and drink. Anna and Elsa stayed by the door after the events were over. They greeted all of their guests, thanked them, and wished them well as they returned home. The castle settled down after that, as Jace and Lilliana approached the two. "It's time for us to go." Jace said, as he handed the black lotus over to Elsa. "It's all up to you from here. Thank you again for everything you have done for us, truly." "Wait!" Lilliana heightened her voice to get them to turn to her. "I owe you a fortune. I can see the future, that's why you both came to me to begin with, yes? I've spoken to my sources, and I'm afraid there is more in store for you. I'm afraid this is not your last adventure, but I see that you will overcome. Elsa you will learn of your powers, and your parents. You will travel far, but in the end you will be closer for it. Anna you will become Queen, and you will be a wonderful one. Worry not of your relationship, because it will endure, and if what I see is true then you shall not need the lotus." It was a mouthful, and Lilliana seemed to be in a bit of a trance as she spoke. Who could tell if she spoke the truth, but it was a comfort. They hugged, and just like that the two improbable magic wielders from another world were gone. "So I guess that's it for now." Elsa said, still worried about what might be in store for them. "What do you say we go to bed? Sleepover?" Anna winked, and Elsa blushed. The two sisters retired for the night.

The Source of Mana (T)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora