Chapter 13

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Finally. Kristoff had made it to Elsa's ice palace. He and Even had rushed to catch up to Anna, following her tracks. He was nervous, as their had been signs of a struggle, and a lot of foot prints in the snow not far back. He knew Anna was here, and probably Elsa too. They must be captured, but by who? And why? He had so many questions, but he needed to focus. If he was going to save Anna he would have to be stealthy and plan ahead. He offered Sven a carrot after taking a bite himself. "You gotta stay here boy. Slippery ice." Sven nodded in agreement. "If I don't come out you know what to do." Again Sven agreed dutifully. Kristoff crept up the iconic ice stair case until he reached the cavernous door of the ice palace. It was slightly ajar. Kristoff carefully enter the dimly lit room. He could make out the snoogies running a muck, and he saw marshmallow sitting dormant in the corner. "There is strange magic here" he whispered to himself. He skulked forward trying to make as little noise as possible. Nobody seemed to be around. Then as he progressed he heard the faint sound of weeping. He pinpointed where it was coming from, and made his way to the door, avoiding all the furniture in his path. There was a light coming from within. The sounds of weeping were more distinct now. He thought that it was Elsa, but it could also be Anna. He tried the knob. Locked. He reached into his satchel to find a Bobby pin. One of many of Anna's that he happened to carry. He fiddled with the icy lock. It may not have been Kristoffs first time having to breaking into something, and with all the luck he could muster, the lock gave. He was in. When he entered quietly he could make out two figures in the corner. As they became illuminated, he could see that it was Elsa laying in Anna's lap. Elsa was the one with tears in her eyes. She wept in Anna's lap as Anna ran her fingers through her sisters hair. Anna seemed emotionless, and did not respond to his presence with relief. Elsa's head rose when she realized the intrusion. "Kristoff?" Elsa look up at him with tears in her eyes, her voice muffled from crying. "What is going on here?" He asked. Elsa responded matter of fact, "she is lost. It's all my fault, she can't remember anything." Elsa couldn't help but go back to weeping. "Her memory. It got worse- she doesn't know who you are does she?" Elsa took a deep breath, rose, and fought to clear her voice. "She remembers nothing. Because of them. Because of me. If we can't save her then we might as well not be saved. I appreciate you coming to rescue us, but we can't beat his magic." Kristoffs brow furrowed. His heart was starting to race. Anna hadn't reacted to him at all yet. Could it be true? "Who?" He asked without knowing what else to say. "The mind mage Jace! He took her memories and he can't reverse it. Nobody can. Elsa held back her tears as she choked out the words. "Wait". Kristoff had an idea. When Anna saved you she didn't use magic, she used love. What if true love could dispel this magic?" Elsa thought for a moment, unwilling to allow herself any hope. "I suppose it's worth a try." That was all the encouragement Kristoff needed. He slunk down to Anna, and looked her deep in the eyes. "I love you Anna, I know you are in there. It's me, it's Kristoff. Come back to us." He leaned in and kissed her lips, she did not pull away. Kristoff took her by the chin and kissed her as if it was the last time he could. She did not respond other than saying "that was nice, who are you again?" Elsa and Kristoff both looked at each other troubled. "How did this even happen?" Kristoff asked her desperately. "Why are you here? What got so messed up? It must have something to do with that mystic gypsy that came to the festival." Kristoff crossed his arms defensively. "It's all my fault." Elsa began crying again, and she started flailing towards Kristoff. "I took advantage of my sister. Not because I was under a spell, no not me. She was, and it was all a ruse. I could have rejected her but no. My sinful lust consumed me and I tarnished our bond. God help me I deserve this... But she doesn't." At this point Elsa was pounding her fists into Kristoff. She was crying hysterically. Kristoff's gut told him he needed to leave. He couldn't process what he just heard. Would Anna cheat on him? And with her own sister no less? None of it made sense, but if it was true, it was treason. Could Elsa really be a monster? To have feelings for her own sister... He knew he had to tell Arendelle of the situation. He couldn't save Anna. Not alone, and without any back up he would never get to the bottom of this crazy story. He pushed Elsa back, and fled. He didn't look back. He slide gracefully down the icy rail of the front stairs and hopped on Sven. "We've got to get back to Arendelle, hurry Sven, hurry!" Elsa fell to her knees. She deserved that. She could not hold in her remorse. She damned them, and tomorrow would bring their end. She repelled their only savior. Now it was time to face the consequences of her actions. She nestled back into Anna's lap for the night. Even now any possible moment with her was a comfort.

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