Chapter 15

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Elsa awoke to the sound of the door creeping open. It must have been late at night but she couldn't tell due to being locked in this small room. She was once again resting her head in Anna's lap. Anna had dozed off as well. She also awoke to the sound. At least she didn't have as much fear and dread in her heart as Elsa did. It was a small mercy that she could fall asleep with her sister, even just for this short time, but now it was over. Jace lit up the room in blue flame, which made them rise up off the icy floor. "It is time." He said in a cold voice. "Please come quietly." He said with a little more heart. Bull shit. Elsa thought, and immediately regretted. Did it really matter at this point? She took Anna's hand in hers. "You've turned me into an empty shell of the person I once was. I will no longer try to fight you. I deserve this. Let's just get it over with so that I can be alone behind a locked door, even if it's for a thousand life times it wouldn't be punishment enough for what I did." Elsa lead Anna behind Jace back down to the underbelly of the castle. They were deep in the cavernous mountain back in the room that ruined Elsa's life. Maryiel was waiting there for them, fixated on the ice. "Jace bring the prisoners forward. This is the perfect time, yes, I'm sure of it. The stars are right, and the ice is already reacting to this Anna's presence." Jace obeyed as always. Elsa could see the ice was emitting a sort of blackness that crackled and fizzled into the air, making it heavy. "Well Queen this is your last chance. Use your power, your sister, whatever it is that you have to do to melt this obstacle, or else." Maryiel looked at her bluntly. She had no reason to bluff, and she was out of patience. Elsa tried to swallow the enormous lump in her throat. No use. She was dehydrated and her body was starting to feel it. She hugged Anna. The black ice hissed and crackled even louder. She held her sister until she could hear Maryiel tapping her foot. She didn't mean to stall she just wanted to cherish the warmth of her sister's body just one more time. But it was over, they broke apart. Anna didn't know what was going on, but she did know that she was a prisoner, and that this person their with her was in love with her. She could feel it in her heart, in her soul. They were somehow connected. She didn't know what love was, but somehow she knew that she was experiencing it right now, here of all places. She just stood there holding this beautiful strangers hand while waiting to see what would happen next. Elsa tightened her grip on Anna's hand. It was so warm and flush with blood. She felt a strange energy between them, as if Anna believed in her... But how could that be. She took a deep breath and steadied herself. It all came down to this. Elsa lowered her head, closed her eyes and raised her free hand. The ice writhed with a magical aura as if in response. Icy blue tendrils shot out from Elsa's hands and slammed into the aura surrounding the ice. It seemed to be defending itself this time. Maybe she could do this, but how if the ice was fighting back, how could she thaw it. She thought about Anna, and she found new resolve to keep fighting. Anna could see... Her sister, or lover, or whoever this woman was breaking under the power of the ice's magic, but she knew they couldn't fail. She must be here for a reason right? She broke her hand away from Elsa. The black ice immediately pressed outward against that of the snow queens. Then Anna reattached herself from behind and wrapped her arms around her sister. She squeezed Elsa into her own body. She could feel her arms pressing into Elsa's supple breasts, as her butt mushed against Anna's dress. Elsa suddenly felt like she was melting. What was Anna doing? This was crazy, and she swore she would never touch her sister like this again, but... It was working. The more Elsa felt like she was melting the weaker the black ice magic seemed to be. Anna pressed her face through Elsa's hair, breathing hot breath on the nape of her neck. She explored until her soft lips found Elsa's right ear. She bit it ever so gently, and sent a surge of fire down Elsa's spine. Their was a much louder crackling now, and with it the black aura around the ice dissolved into non-existence. Anna released her hold on Elsa and they both fell to their knees, exhausted. The magic had indeed been defeated by love, but the wall of ice itself still stood before them. "Well then I suppose that was an improvement. Is it enough to spare the life of your sister? I'm afraid not. The ice still stands, and if you want to leave this room with your freedom, then you must thaw it." Elsa's breathing was erratic. She had so much to process. She failed again, or did she? She needed an idea, something to get this done, but her powers were completely drained, and Jace had nothing to do with it. She searched her thoughts, maybe...? Jace read her mind. "It's worth a shot, and to be honest I wouldn't mind seeing that." He had a bit of a smirk.

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